Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] into being " in BNC.

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1 Some crates were as big as vacation cottages , because a hierarchy of crate status had suddenly come into being .
2 I had forgotten that before the war there had been no Women 's Auxiliary Air Force to build barrack blocks for , as the Force only came into being in 1939 .
3 A comparatively recent sub-section , as it were , of the Branch , it only came into being in 1973 when Ray Davis joined the Branch as the sole practitioner amongst us in the use of flight recorders .
4 The expanding volume of traffic not only brought into being the colourful and idiosyncratic travelling labour force of the canal boatmen but also increased the need for short-haul overland carriage , more expensive in cost per mile than long-haul and needing just as much muscle in loading and unloading .
5 The study did not spring into being overnight of course , and for over a decade a number of community groups throughout Appalachia have tried to combat the worst excesses of a pattern of landownership which breeds power without responsibility .
6 The Council of Nicaea set its seal on the structure that had thus come into being : a network of urban bishoprics , grouped into provinces headed by a metropolitan bishop , usually in the capital city of the civil province .
7 The 1974 re-organisation was based on the twin principles of rational planning and efficient management , although what was finally brought into being achieved neither .
8 I was a chargehand and then I just drifted into being a Redcoat , and getting up and doing five minutes on stage and enjoying it .
9 A more important point is that passages of this sort , spliced as they are with images like the lizard from the immediate foreground of Pound 's tent inside the wire-mesh cage of the prison camp , do not come into being out of the free associations of idle reverie , though in these Pisan cantos Pound exploits the illusion of that , as Joyce did in Ulysses when he pretended to transport himself and us into the mind of Leopold Bloom .
10 It does not come into being only when instantiated .
11 The future can not come into being until the past is dead .
12 The creditors ' committee does not come into being until the trustee has issued a certificate of its due constitution ( r 6.151 ) and his certificate must not be issued until he has received the written consent to act from three members of the committee ( r6.151(3A) ) .
13 The typical social representation is said to have originated from an abstract , technical concept : ‘ Social representations generally come into being during transformations of this kind , whether by an intervention of the mass media or by the act of individuals ’ ( Moscovici , 1984 : 964 ) .
14 When the new Republic formally came into being in September it indeed had many difficulties to overcome .
15 Many more came into being simply by use rather than by calculation .
16 You get the feeling that if a genuine utopia ever came into being , Matt Johnson would be the one person wanting to tear it all down .
17 The Reformation had quickly called into being a great quantity of vernacular religious song : hymns , ‘ spiritual songs ’ for domestic devotion , metrical translations of the Psalms .
18 A protocell probably came into being a few hours after the formation of proteins .
19 The foregoing considerations will , I hope , have been enough to show that , from the psychological point of view , it is no paradox that the political and social revolutions of modern times which have opposed traditional ( i. e. , paternal ) authorities and replaced them with more egalitarian ( i.e. , fraternal ) structures have also brought into being a massively enhanced state apparatus to feed the appetite for welfare provisions .
20 Significantly , the same Parliament which passed the 1947 Agriculture Act also brought into being the 1947 Town and Country Planning Act , thus creating the planning system which , to this day , regulates all aspects of British life except agriculture and forestry , which remain exempt .
21 This also comes into being as we couple reading the Bible with prayer .
22 In the eighteen-forties , the department stores really came into being with places like Debenham and Freebodys and Selfridges , where everything could be purchased under one roof , which made things much easier .
23 The squatter settlements originally came into being through illegal land invasions .
24 A legally elected Zimbabwean state now came into being .
25 The project which we report here came into being because of this concern ; it was one of several recent attempts , all part of the same climate of interest , to sustain some highly dependent old people in non-institutional settings .
26 It was during the eighteenth century that madeira wine as it is known today came into being .
27 Capitalism needed the house of correction , and somehow it magically came into being as a result .
28 ‘ There is no higher glory of a Christian empire than that which was here brought into being by a death in a desert . ’
29 The ‘ oldest profession ’ probably did n't come into being until man had started settling into agricultural communities around 15,000 BC .
30 Latent demand will then come into being , which can be exploited by a suitable product and marketing mix to turn into actual demand .
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