Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] out a " in BNC.

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1 The Black Death began the long process of decline for many , but it rarely wiped out an entire village at a single blow .
2 If a client has successfully carried out a difficult homework task the group can reinforce this success more powerfully than a therapist alone .
3 On July 3 the security forces successfully carried out a daring mission to remove wounded soldiers from the Fort in Jaffna town , under siege since mid-June .
4 On the other hand , it can be argued that real believers are incapable of distancing themselves sufficiently to carry out an objective study of their own ( or perhaps even of someone else 's ) religion .
5 They only pick out a word word here and there see
6 Either of these could match the new borders or blinds or undercurtains , perhaps bringing out a colour that had not been emphasized before .
7 The remarks in this section only sketch out a province for which a proper theory of discourse deixis might provide an account .
8 ( e ) Sometimes invite a student to write on the blackboard , eg to write out a dictation you have just given .
9 Almost at once it was opened , not wide , as he obviously expected , but just to a slit — enough to pass out a note .
10 One train , the 15.4 hrs from Quainton and the 16.15 hrs from Aylesbury on Sunday was cancelled on Sunday for several reasons while the gauging run for King Edward was only carried out an hour prior to departure from Aylesbury of the first ACE .
11 ‘ There are n't any stones large enough to spell out a message with .
12 Use the five steps and chart below to work out a reasonable estimate of the cost of rebuilding your home .
13 He then walked into the small alcove of electronic equipment and appeared to fiddle with some dials and buttons until music suddenly blasted out a pair of wall mounted speakers .
14 You must establish the extent of these liabilities with your solicitor , but even then you can only carry out an inspection limited to your particular flat , plus a superficial investigation of the common parts with the landlord 's permission .
15 In fact , on several occasions after he left , he would come down to sort out a problem for us .
16 It only came out a couple of times , and I could n't get the words apart the end where it sounded something like ‘ scores off the bar , F*CK CANTONA , Brian Deane , Brian Deane , Brian Deane ’ .
17 They had just sat down when Zach suddenly let out a cry .
18 Without warning , it suddenly let out a blast of the 62 first line of Dixie on a five-tone airhorn , so loud and so unexpected that it made Alina take a startled step back .
19 She suddenly let out a long sigh and swept her hair from her face .
20 He turned and the girl who had just come in let out a little scream .
21 At first , I was only going out a coupla days a week .
22 Mike [ Foot ] said wryly that if , as Harold Lever said , we had only a 50 per cent chance of avoiding catastrophe , we had better work out a contingency plan in case that chance did not come off .
23 Why do n't we take out from access , so takes out a job number , sorry from accounts and just say take out a job number .
24 Oh , my dear — ’ Alison suddenly reached out a long brown arm .
25 Frozen in shock for a few seconds , she recovered her wits sufficiently to let out an outraged scream , and to catapult into a kneeling position , grabbing the bedspread to cover herself .
26 The kitten suddenly flings out a paw and scoops the object up into the air and backwards over its shoulder .
27 He had been in the Little Chef restaurant in Bramley , near Rotherham , south Yorkshire , on Wednesday night , when a man suddenly pulled out a double- barrelled shotgun .
28 Well it 's only coming out a yard is n't it ?
29 If the cold supplies from your cold water cistern are n't fitted with gatevalves , this is reasonably easy to do as it requires only cutting out a short length of pipe .
30 Did n't they tell you that no ship at sea , no ship at all , would be daft enough to send out a signal — well , not in wartime , they would n't !
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