Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] i be " in BNC.

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1 Go on say I 'm a Swede !
2 The important debate in my opinion that we shall have this Committee stage and it is for that reason and also because for four-and-a-half years which I think is regarded as a very long time , I was answerable for police affairs er with the Home Secretary in another place , as the Noble Lord , Lord Callaghan will remember , many years ago , it goes back to January nineteen fifty-eight when I became Under Secretary and he was political advisor to the Police Federation and we very rarely disagreed I 'm happy to say .
3 I do n't know what it was , the mist , the way it hung , hot and heavy like a blanket , the weirdness and the exhaustion of the long night drive up the coast , but I suddenly realised I was scared .
4 I only realised I was still suffering from ME after my doctor referred me to a psychiatrist .
5 ‘ I 'm realistic enough to know I 'm going to have good days and bad ones .
6 I must have fallen asleep , for I dreamed that a girl was kissing me open-mouthed , the touch of her tongue light as a butterfly , and her hand caressing , and I woke suddenly to find I was thoroughly roused .
7 A girl sits down with a man and he says , ‘ What you need is a good romance and it so happens I 'm very romantic ’ — that 's marketing .
8 ‘ Well , it so happens I 'm going to town in the morning , ’ he said .
9 Well it so happens I was not born in Nottingham , though my early memories are of Nottingham , right even from infant school , which er started at five years of age till about seven .
10 She went on : ‘ I felt I 'd only believe I was pregnant when I could see it .
11 Not outstanding success , for I was still missing nine out of ten bites , hut enough to suggest I was on the right track .
12 I only know I 'm afraid when I leave you ; when you are out of sight , I feel lost , lonely . ’
13 I suddenly discovered I was very much down the bottom of the pile . "
14 Because I found historical films about men on horseback so moving I was pleased when my then wife , Jenni , set to writing a book about the wild west .
15 I can only hope I am proved wrong : things have gone too far to turn back the tide .
16 He did so hope I was enjoying myself .
17 He did so hope I was not bored with country life .
18 I only discovered I was in it by sheer chance .
19 Perhaps changing some people 's old and dated views so that soon when other young women undoubtedly become pregnant they will be protected from what I personally find I am going through .
20 ‘ You may not realize it , young man , ’ said Barrie , witheringly , ‘ but in so doing I was breaking the law .
21 ‘ You only thought I was .
22 What especially pleases me is that we are extraordinarily popular and that Wolfgang is admired here even more than he has been in all the other towns of Italy ; the reason is that Bologna is the centre and dwelling-place of many masters , artists and scholars .
23 I remember leaving a ledge to abseil down Scafell 's East Buttress once only to realise I was falling out of control ; I had forgotten to clip my figure of eight descendeur into my harness .
24 ‘ She was a friend of a friend — I had n't even known she was coming , but one look and I was arrogant enough to decide I was going to make her mine .
25 I felt — it was as if I suddenly knew I was going to die and I was nothing , just sand and dust blowing away . ’
26 ‘ I only knew I was playing when we had our warm-up just before the kick-off , and I simply was n't prepared for starting the match .
27 ‘ They obviously thought I was doing terribly badly at that time and were very pleased at how well they had rigged me out … until I put on the mac .
28 Because I said I liked the immortal Bix Biederbecke he obviously thought I was avant garde and beyond redemption .
29 Mind , I suppose if I were the sort of person you obviously think I am I would have known about your predilection for pretty girls — and your low boredom threshold , ’ she said scathingly .
30 Actually , I could throw at the moment but I could n't afford the shoulder seizing up the next day and suddenly finding I 'm out for three months .
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