Example sentences of "[pron] a new [noun sg] " in BNC.

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31 Its a new song on a new video … and seven years on from Dr Hook …
32 The whole of Britain … seems to have caught it … the symptoms … you hear a racing car at full throttle in the ears … you go misty eyed at the sight of union jacks waving in the wind and then you start talking … rambling about red five … its a new disease … they 're calling it Mansell Mania …
33 One technique they used was that each individual crafted by himself a new conversation to help the writer of the episode .
34 Prince sets himself a new goal
35 But Francis has replied by setting himself a new goal — carrying on past 40 .
36 He tried to find himself a new girl to take his mind off it : some new girl , because Peg had gone wrong .
37 Maybe he 'd better go and buy himself a new bike , that 's always a good way to break bits of the human body .
38 Funny he did n't give himself a new name , but maybe he felt there was no reason why he should .
39 In such cases it was to the obvious advantage of the farmer to build himself a new farmstead in the middle of his lands .
40 He was starting to appear distinctly shopworn , Lucy noted ; he seemed to have bought himself a new shirt , but a dip-through in a hotel washbasin did n't exactly make for the best possible finish .
41 SMALL , West Ham 's forgotten striker , has set himself a New Year deadline to force his way back into Billy Bonds 's plans .
42 Brian Clough , the Forest manager , said : ‘ His contract was not expiring but he deserved a rise for the contribution he has made over the last 12 months -so he earned himself a new deal . ’
43 He has won three tournaments this year ; got himself a new agent , the all-powerful American golf manager , Mike Martinez ; and a new , and I 'm told very lucrative , golf club contract .
44 Only recently he 'd bought more land off the Roscarrocks ( who were selling to pay their church fines ) and built himself a new house made of ship 's beams and red brick , with upstairs rooms , a panelled hall , latticed windows and six curly chimneys .
45 So the other night my , the girl next door to us , her husband does painting and he 'd just got himself a new van I said fucking hell I said to him sometimes I said there 's a van outside I wan na know who it is , is that still on ?
46 He also got himself a new caddie , Froggy Davies .
47 ALAN CORK , aiming for his 150th League goal this weekend , has set himself a new target — to join the 200 Club .
48 She was not about to confirm their obvious belief that the count had found himself a new woman .
49 I will give you a new heart , and a new spirit will I put within you .
50 The company selling you a new machine should be prepared to give you the names of others who are using it .
51 Yeah but they said we ca n't charge you for it he said we sell a new tube or sell you a new tyre he said we can charge you but we ca n't charge you labour .
52 We are always delighted to send you information about courses , prospectuses and ( later this year ) to send you a new video about the University which may help you in advising your own pupils about the possibilities and benefits of following a course at Birmingham .
53 ‘ When I came out again my weight had gone down to 8 stone and it 's definitely an experience I would n't like to go through again , but it gives you a new outlook on life .
54 A NatWest Home Improvement Loan could give you a new slant on living !
55 We 'll have to give you a new name .
56 We are Mick(19) and Steve ( 18 ) and we 're in the Forces- So let us open your eyes and show you a new way of life .
57 The above assignments also gives you a new way of accessing a sub-directory of DUA0 : [ SOFTWARE_LIBRARY ] , named DUA0 : [ SOFTWARE_LIBRARY.PMR ] .
58 That 'd buy you a new car would n't it ?
59 In your reading [ anything from specialist journals to Sunday Sport ] perhaps you happen upon some item or extract which gives you a new insight or understanding of some aspect of Total Quality .
60 We did n't want to pop in else your father would be saying that we 're after selling you a new hat again , knowing your weakness for hats . ’
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