Example sentences of "[pron] to [pron] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 The gift of the Holy Spirit is the seal of his part of the contract ; by committing ourselves to him we put our name to it too .
2 For her part , she felt that he was someone to whom she could open her heart and who would understand .
3 The jury heard he constructed a bogus defence claiming his wife was murdered by someone to whom she was supplying drugs .
4 It may be that none of these incidents , taken by itself , would be very significant , but the cumulative effect of them supports the view that the plaintiff and her husband subordinated their own interests to the wishes of the deceased … the plaintiff 's acts went well beyond what was called for by natural love and affection for someone to whom she had no blood relationship , and both she and her husband made it very clear in their evidence that there was no great love and affection between her husband and the deceased , and that he was only willing to pay for meals that the plaintiff provided for the deceased and to work as he did in the garden of the cottage because of the expectation that the deceased 's estate would in due course pass to the plaintiff .
5 He had constructed a bogus defence claiming that his wife was murdered by someone to whom she was supplying drugs .
6 Every person , whether at the most junior or the most senior level , has someone to whom he or she is accountable for doing the job properly .
7 John — Augustus cast a sentimental eye on his retreat , convinced in his euphoria of pristine well-being that he had encountered one of nature 's radicals , someone to whom he could reveal his new true feelings .
8 Here was someone to whom I could confide .
9 It is far more difficult to approach someone to whom you do not feel at all dose and in many cases the only way to do this is by means of a third person who may be willing to ask them for their opinion of you .
10 He was only being polite , saying the things you did say to someone to whom you were close in an unusual situation .
11 She is an example to her children : ‘ do n't end up like this ’ — that is , marrying just for the sake of it someone to whom you are totally unsuited .
12 He just has n't got a clue , apparently he said last night he never thought it would be so hard , he had a confession with Liz or something , never thought it would be so hard and he 's really struggled this year , really , really hard work , nothing like being a deputy which to me he 's an idiot if he did n't know that , he 's feeling guilty about the phone bill , but has n't got any money at all for anything
13 I took summat to him I did
14 In his public utterances Bohr was always very cautious about committing himself to what it is that actually is .
15 The assumption is based on religious writings , which in their turn are probably based on the primitive beliefs which early man formulated in pursuance of that almost uncontrollable urge to find something beyond himself to which he could ascribe the origins of the many mysterious things around him .
16 It hardly mattered anyway , for in addition to his bootleg coverage , Hurley was also helping himself to anything he wanted in the legitimate footage brought out of Lebanon by television news teams .
17 Equally , nobody to whom I have spoken thinks that decommissioning is a magic wand .
18 Must he now grind his pride in the dust and sue for the hand of she to whom he owed that indignity ?
19 the flat in , in London , the flat we came from and so we had accumulated a little more furniture than one would usually have in two rooms and the kitchen and we got here and were allowed to spread ourselves , if there 's one criticism that one could say about this house , is that the size of the rooms confines you to what you put in them , they 're square , that the , the division between the living room and the dining room is through a pair of glass doors , where perhaps that could of been arranged with either sliding doors or some other feature so as not to separate it yet again into two square boxes and erm
20 Yeah Do you want to listen what you to what you 've said ?
21 Yes , yes , just disappeared , yeah , right , right , well I 'll ask Alistair , oh well uhum , I would n't hold out a lot of hope , huh , somehow , his uhum , he puts in an appearance at the summer fair for half an hour and looks round , says I think I 'll go now , , I 'll leave you to it you know , keep the children , , that 's it , is n't it , his taken our Clare in to buy a tennis racket .
22 She knew me as Matt and I did n't want to alert you to who I was until I 'd found out what was going on .
23 Now , he thought , there is none to whom we may entrust a message .
24 Paul , of course , offers Simon Peter an irresistible opportunity , a means of rescuing his commitment , of vindicating everything to which he has devoted himself .
25 as I say because of my health and one thing and another you could n't just and he , and he was really good he was and explained everything to me I say that
26 If you say something to me I check that I have understood your message by saying it back to you in my own words , for if I repeat your own words exactly you will doubt whether I have really understood you .
27 cos I think her solicitor must of said something to her you see
28 Every time anyone tries to do something to themselves it 's ‘ attention-seeking ’ .
29 It is as if by being able to make moral judgements people recognise , not simply an additional technical possibility , but something to which they wish to give ultimate significance .
30 They see the heat of the candle which looks like something to which they are instinctively attracted — perhaps a food plant , or a flower , or a member of the opposite sex .
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