Example sentences of "[pron] of [pron] [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 Something on the local news about her poking some television woman in the eye , to say nothing of her dancing the night away with John Major .
2 Whereas in Reine Jean-Claude reminded me of a caged animal , in préfleur he reminded me of something growing in its natural habitat .
3 Well up in Scotland of course we do n't need to save our rain water we get plenty of it coming from the unclear , but er one thing I would say would be that erm if we have a warm spell and the sun is beating on a bitumen roof and then of course suddenly a shower and that er goes into the water bucket or water barrel then it does give you maybe you know a few problems .
4 All I 'm saying is that we do n't have to go groping about in corners looking for motive , there 's plenty of it lying about .
5 Competition in a market with few suppliers , none of them controlling the market but each relatively large ( oligopoly ) is much more likely to be distorted if one of those suppliers takes over or acquires an interest in another , than in a market characterised by fierce competition among many suppliers .
6 The later books have very much the air of contrived sequels , with young conspirators or princes in training cut from the same pattern and taking , one by one , the centre of a story , none of them capturing attention as the Stormy Petrel had done as a boy .
7 But when she 'd arrived the boat had been deserted and , as darkness had gradually obscured first the surrounding countryside and then the outlines of neighbouring boats , none of them showing any lights , she had become just a little anxious .
8 This was the ‘ Wallflower Waltz ’ number — in which the girls in the show , led by Maggie Smith who sang wistfully about none of them having a dancing partner , while the men on stage waltzed with sheets of chiffon floating down from the flies .
9 Each counter had an assistant behind it , none of them doing anything .
10 This led to an enormous diversity of plants , none of them doing particularly well and none taken out by trees .
11 He pressed her to remember details , and she found a few ; none of them matching anything in his vivid dream , which disappointed him .
12 It was the 37-year-old writer 's fifth play after Stop It , Whoever You Are ; Big Soft Nellie ; Nil Carborundum and Kelly 's Eye , none of them making the voyage across the Atlantic .
13 We all prowl around the pool in a fabrication of isolation , none of us speaking .
14 It was in the nature of a goodwill invitation , nothing more , none of us realising that he was the one man in Punta Arenas who had some idea of why an old wooden-walled East Indiaman , built like a frigate , should have been reconditioned and brought south by the Argentine Navy during the war .
15 Hoping this finds you as it leaves me we are none of us getting any younger Yours Sincerely Fred Bottomley .
16 ‘ We 're none of us getting much younger . ’
17 We all agreed that , none of us having been there , Lapland had an aura of romantic mystery about it , but was n't it a difficult and expensive place to get to ?
18 British Prime Minister and novelist Benjamin Disraeli , recorded in a letter to his sister : So , after all , there was a division on the Address in Queen Victoria 's first parliament — I then left the house at ten o'clock , none of us having dined .
19 Although Mr Salmon had already told me that we had declared war against the Germans almost a year ago — none of us having heard of Archduke Franz Ferdinand — we only found out how serious it was when a lot of young lads who had worked in the market began to disappear off to ‘ the front ’ to be replaced by their younger brothers — and sometimes even sisters .
20 Nor those dreadful factory hooters , Mr Colclough 's from the foundry , Mr Lord 's answering it , her husband 's from the top of the hill , Ben Braithwaite 's intruding as stridently as his mother 's purple taffeta dresses from the other side of town , each one of them blasting out its five minute warning as to the pains and penalties of being late .
21 ‘ I 'm sure there 's no danger whatsoever of my forgetting … ’
22 I understand general manager Dieter Hoeness , who has videos of him of him playing , has already flown to Britain to see him play .
23 He snorted through his nose instead of laughing , and emitted a curious whistling sound , reminding her of his snoring at night , which made the whole room vibrate and set ornaments rattling .
24 I do n't remember anyone of them saying anything to me .
25 The area has a large common seal population , and there are always lots of them lying on the rocks or swimming in the sea .
26 Then his second epistle informed us of his leaving the home of the Goldbergs , and finding a really good job with General Motors of Detroit .
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