Example sentences of "[pron] the government [modal v] " in BNC.

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1 I made a point of saying to the Indian Ministers whom I met that , just as they had announced elections in the Punjab , so it would be excellent if they could start a political process in Kashmir so that there would be people representing the Kashmiris with whom the Government could talk .
2 In the last two years , Hanson has been seen as a provider of last resort , as someone to whom the Government can turn for relief , especially its privatization programme runs into problems .
3 Control over prices and incomes is something which the government may or may not choose to implement in any period .
4 Thus the only way by which the government might achieve a higher level of output would be by cheating , by not following the rule it says it will follow .
5 The rejected text gave the parties until Monday to resolve the dispute , failing which the government would take full powers for the railways in Transcaucasia , and send in the army to guard bridges and tunnels , and ensure the safety of rail workers .
6 Ministers would have to be prepared for legislation to be defeated , time and again , without feeling the need for the issue to be made one of confidence — on which the government would feel it necessary to force an election .
7 The churches fulfil a valuable social function which the government would otherwise have to meet , and the state receives about £100 million a year for levying and passing on the church tax .
8 As the hours went past , senior army commanders and others persuaded Whitehall that the step would make the region ungovernable and create a situation in which the government would be soundly worsted .
9 In terms of the law of tort , the risk theory contemplates either a strict liability scheme of compensation , in which the government would bear the initial burden of compensation , or a no-fault scheme in which the individual is insured against loss by some form of insurance ( perhaps tax-based ) .
10 The miners ' strike was presented as a direct challenge to the authority of the government , and was made into a sticking-point beyond which the government would not be pushed .
11 This was understood to be the result of an agreement between the Cabinet and the Moslem Brotherhood by which the government would gain in exchange the co-operation of the Islamist opposition with some of its policies .
12 In a move which startled some Western observers , he proposed that state enterprises — 96 per cent of the country 's economy — should be transformed into joint stock companies in which the government would retain a controlling share , as a first step towards privatization .
13 which the government would then have spent on the industrial sector so agriculture would not have moved forward .
14 The committee declined to accept the view put to them by the Joint Permanent Secretary to the Treasury that tribunals ought to be regarded as part of the machinery of public administration for which the Government should retain a close and continuing responsibility .
15 In this brief speech , it is not appropriate for me to attempt that task but I shall give the House three examples of the sort of arrangements for which the Government should press in the second half of 1992 when we have an opportunity to carry them forward .
16 Friends of the Earth commissioned Dr Derek Ratcliffe , former chief scientist of the Nature Conservancy Council , to draw up a skeleton list of 112 sites which the government should designate under the directive , including internationally rare habitats such as the lowland heaths of Dorset and the Flow Country of Caithness .
17 That is a serious situation , for which the Government must take some responsibility , because they have not introduced policies to correct it .
18 The question to which the Government must respond —
19 This is a warning which the Government must heed .
20 29 of the 89 articles of the constitution deal with limitations on the parliament 's power and ways in which the government can restrict it .
21 This arrangement had been ‘ decided upon as the one which the Government can best justify to Parliament ’ .
22 SDOs are a means by which the government can grant consent for extensive activities , for example , for Mercury 's cable-laying for their alternative communications system , under the Town and Country Planning ( Telecommunication Networks ) ( Railway Operational Land ) SDO 1982 .
23 Secondly , because of the very great power which the government can wield over its citizens , the law has traditionally imposed on governmental agencies special duties of procedural fairness ( embodied in the rules of natural justice discussed in Chapter 8 ) which do not normally apply to dealings between private citizens .
24 Before looking at the outcomes of regional policy , it is worth stating again that financial incentives are only one of the two strands of regional policy — the other is the industrial development certificate system through which the government can refuse applications for industrial expansion in prosperous areas thus encouraging firms to move into development areas .
25 First we consider the different kinds of taxes through which the government can raise revenue .
26 Why should short-termism be a feature of investment which the Government can influence ?
27 Can he give some information about the way in which the Government can encourage the greater recruitment of traffic wardens up to full complement in police forces and encourage the better use of those wardens so that they make the best possible contribution to the maintenance of traffic flow and the release of police officers for the control of crime ?
28 Those are some of the achievements for which the Government can take substantial credit .
29 I believe that he was misleading the House and the country by those assertions , because the burden of the case of those of us who think that the Bill is completely irrelevant to the problems of our prisons which it purports to tackle is that the penalties already exist in the Public Order Act 1986 , for which the Government can legitimately take credit .
30 Members of the public reading his speech will claw through its 47 minutes looking for anything that has happened in the past year for which the Government can claim credit .
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