Example sentences of "[pron] and [pron] be " in BNC.

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1 And tonight I 'm having two of my very favourite friends over and I 'm gon na be eating my and I 'm gon na go sucking them up , urgh I can hardly wait .
2 Yet if I reflect upon what happened , in what some might call an existential manner , or attempt what physicists might call a ‘ thought experiment ’ to reconstruct my situation , I can see myself as having been assailed by various impulses : to assist the dog and stop the car , to comfort the children , to drive on lest I and they were to be injured in an accident , to avoid the horror of confronting a demented animal .
3 It seems to be a pain in the neck me cleaning the sometimes there 's a lot of dog dirt , on yours as well as mine , and I , I and they were quite er happy to do that , yet it seems to irritate somebody over there .
4 Oh no do n't do it with spit , saliva that you 're spitting to the boots you have to have water buckets of water and polish to do it I and they were up the stairs doing the boots on the grey carpet in the back bedroom and they had newspaper down
5 That I and it are contemporary .
6 Well , th I I must have told you because it 's one of the things that er stand out that on on the day when they dropped the first bomb in I and I I and it was er it 'd be the thirty first of January , but I do n't know whether it was er fifteen or sixteen , nineteen fifteen or nineteen sixteen .
7 Well you make notes when you 're listening to customers and make notes when you were questioning me did I and it was hard to even if it 's only four or five questions it was hard to pull together .
8 Erm , I think the charge that has been laid against myself personally and my myself and my colleagues is the charge of vacillation and changing our mind and I and I am grateful to c my colleague David for reminding us that we have in this county had two years two years when the Labour party and the Conservative party have been hand in glove , absolutely determined that the way forward in relation to homes , elderly persons homes , not that 's not to close any and now we 've had a complete volte face when they 've changed their minds and they 've come along with us .
9 And I was good Oh and I and I was a good player as well .
10 And I was in the depot and I and I was er trying to er get some money for , for this thing or , or doing something for it anyway , and this bloke said , said John , he said , what the bloody hell are you got interested in the people of Spain for ?
11 So do I and I was just talking to her downstairs and I was asking her like the differences between here and the States , you know the boar cos she was in a boarding school before , and she was saying erm how you know just generally the people are nicer and the blokes talk to you not just because you 're cos they
12 er that 's , and I and I 'm thinking about the response to the Falklands and the Gulf .
13 And when I started putting on weight I and I 'm still putting on weight .
14 I and I 'm not a I 'm not a moaner , I try to be I 'm a Christian and I try to be a Chris Christian spirit to everyone .
15 Yeah I think it 's erm Martin are n't I and he was going to throw you .
16 Old woman , by my faith , you must go away while I and she are to play . "
17 Now I found that , you see , cos I passed my eleven plus and I lived in Hampshire and the grammar school was Hampshire Grammar School for Girls , which was quite a long way away from where I lived and it would have entailed a bus and the train and I and there was only me that passed and I , I did n't wan na do it .
18 OLIVER said that words like everyone and someone and no-one are singular pronouns and must therefore be followed by the singular possessive pronoun , namely his .
19 like everyone like you talk to someone and they 're like throwing up all the technical information
20 You could perhaps team up with somebody else if you wanted to , so if you see someone and we 're just going through the order in which they appear .
21 I had killed someone and I was afraid . ’
22 For instance , if you are listening to someone and you are not sure whether you agree with their content , measure your behaviour .
23 Lived in London , she 's going out with someone , living with someone and she 's five months pregnant !
24 ‘ I was going with someone and he was going with someone so we never made it , ’ said Karen .
25 If I assault someone and it is not justified , not justified , can I be arrested ?
26 We look at all the other conferences , the lowest after that was the Northern Provence which is in a very similar position to ourselves and they were offering a five percent increase .
27 If our tunnel vision sees only disconnected fragments , the fault lies within ourselves and it is in remedying that ignorance to which our main efforts should be individually devoted .
28 make sure we 're all behaving ourselves and there 's no evidence of anaemia , infection , vitamin deficiency , inflammation , anything else .
29 If you do n't see him , you 've got to make all your points religiously until you see him , and having found him , he makes a note in his diary , and you make a note in yours and you 're away .
30 ‘ Just bend that stiff neck of yours and you 're halfway through . ’
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