Example sentences of "[pron] then [vb past] a " in BNC.

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1 I then produced a master stroke .
2 I then drafted a statement for the management side and sent it by hand to Mellowes who was sufficiently impressed by this initiative to pop his head around the door an hour later with a look of something less than mistrust .
3 I then had a choice of going to either Cambridge or Stansted to take on fuel ready for the transit to the airshow the following day .
4 I then had a party with all my new colleagues .
5 I then had a responsibility as the team leader to ensure that the rest of the house was secure and that none of the other units were having any problems .
6 I then got a phone call in the middle of the night — I always get phone calls in the middle of the night from David .
7 I then got a bad infection in my left eye which my doctor suggested was due to the contact lens .
8 I then reached a small clearing , undoubtedly the spot the man had referred to .
9 I then added a few aerobics and , together with some great music , the new Intensive Stretching and Aerobic Programme was complete .
10 I then added a few alchemilla leaves to provide a contrast with the dark background .
11 I then heard a series of shots and I saw a number of bodies being dragged away . ’
12 I then felt a sudden tug … a concentration of sickening pain on the arm … then Bingo .
13 Mr Hallam said : ‘ I then felt a kick in the face .
14 Watson and Thacker shot down — informed that all was clear but continued weaving — just as well as I then saw a red spinner in my mirror .
15 I then used a fingertip roughly to blend and spread them for a hazier and more subtle finish .
16 I then gave a message to his secretary personal assistant and was told no the letter I receive was that I should n't go through something third hand you do n't see what the other side is .
17 I then attached a ring to this line and connected it to Dawn 's leash .
18 I then did a series of films with Robert de Vicenzo , big money in those days , which convinced me at the time that Roberto would win the 1967 Open .
19 I then did a physical which they made me run a mile and a half , did press ups , sit ups , which I passed .
20 Implementing decisions taken at an earlier gathering [ see p. 39115 ] , delegates also approved a " shadow government " by electing a three-member presidential council ( one Kurd , one Shia and one Sunni ) , with rotating primacy , which then chose a 25-member executive committee ( one Assyrian , one Turkoman , five Kurds , the remaining 18 seats divided between Shias , Sunnis and Arab tribes ) .
21 For at seven o'clock in the morning of 20 August in that year , the inscription has it , just as the citadel was about to fall to the besiegers , a white cross was seen in the sky ‘ above and to the right of the town ’ , which then became a crucifix whose crown turned encouragingly ( for the French ) into a royal fleur-de-lis .
22 The rising was put down and so was the castle , which then became a source of building materials , a man-made quarry .
23 ‘ Separating ’ floors — ie , those which separate one ‘ layer ’ of dwellings from the flats located above or below — are of concrete construction and most of the new concrete floors were executed by laying down pre-cast concrete planks which then received a steel-reinforced concrete screed as a structural topping .
24 Instead his theory of social determination transformed the Kantian ‘ a priori ’ , the human capacity to reason , which then filled a role similar to Mannheim 's presuppositions available to social being .
25 She then ate a prawn fried in flour and egg , saying : ‘ I like that I had that last night . ’
26 She then had a delectable mushroom soup — and for the main course she chose something that was entirely new to her .
27 She then felt a choking sensation with increasing wheeze , tightness , and cough and rushed to the nearest accident and emergency department .
28 She then sought a fair rent , which she could only do if she were a tenant , but Mr Street of course argued that she was only a licensee .
29 She then wrote a best-selling novel , which is full of dead children and pointless travels ; its subject is the education of an unskillable , stubborn , ignorant and horribly-deformed woman .
30 She then made a claim of unfair dismissal .
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