Example sentences of "[pron] could [verb] is " in BNC.

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1 The thing that I 'd like to do and that I really wish I could do is give you a job here but Personnel have said I 'm already fully staffed . ’
2 Right , well what I could do is I could give you another prescription now , that you can go and get if you feel you are going to need something .
3 And then I could add them together , or if that 's a bit awkward , what I could do is I could think of the hundred and one as a hundred add one , I can think of the seventeen as ten add seven , and then I multiply them this way and I multiply all the bits and then add all the bits up at the end .
4 What I could do is play a record but er I ca n't remember so bear with me for a moment .
5 The only one I could suggest is Tim , but he 's not here unfortunately .
6 I think , the only thing I could add is that you 've got twelve months in which to restart the payments .
7 ‘ The other avenue I could try is a bit of research into Puddephat 's wife . ’
8 Shit , I thought , the least she could do is keep them sheathed when she does n't need them .
9 ‘ The least you could do is take the other end of the Chesterfield , ’ Amanda said crossly .
10 ‘ Tell you what though , mate , ’ and he was overtaken by another surge of enthusiasm , ‘ if you 're interested , what you could do is take a trip to Explorers Inn in the Tambopata Reserve , see the rainforest there … ’
11 The other thing , which I think is a , another great misconception is er our present Prime Ministers ' policy of having a classless society , well I think the first thing is you could do is actually abolish the House of Lords and that will certainly be a start on having a classless society in this country .
12 Well what what you could do is put in brackets somewhere a list of accents you can think of so that if people really do n't know what to do .
13 if someone 's giving you a lift , what you could do is get them to drive straight down , drop you off , and then they can go and park .
14 ‘ The least you could do is say thank you , ’ he taunted .
15 Well the thi one thing you could do is go and talk to one or two admissions tutors of the social work courses .
16 ‘ The least you could do is invite me in for a coffee . ’
17 Alternatively , er , what you could do is what I do , which is I use these for rolling basis appraisals .
18 The only thing you could do is get the , you know that kind of plastic edging you can get for wall tiles
19 I , the thing is to get , what , I mean what you could do is say right , well , you , we , we do n't mind putting your name up , bit of advertising cos it 's gon na all the film world 's gon na be seeing it , so all the location caterers would be able to use them .
20 The best thing you could do is ask at the
21 If your income is more than your ‘ applicable amount ’ the maximum benefit you could get is reduced by 15% ( 15p in every £1 ) of the difference between the applicable amount and the income .
22 I mean you could get is , would he wear them if they were half decent
23 Well , yes , I suppose one of the questions you could ask is , is there a boycott against the company ?
24 Provided Shell were willing , we probably would go ahead next year , although the question you could ask is , having helped a group of thirty six kids in Sussex this year , should n't Shell , if they were going to run these master classes , help a group of kids in Westmorland next year , rather than another group down in Sussex next year .
25 If we if they were n't as quick as you are like that working that out what you could try is say well I 've given them one each there 's the four people one two three four right you 've all got a whole one so you can start eating that while I sort out how I 'm gon na share this out .
26 Training method you could use is er
27 But it did n't matter as long as you could help is n't it .
28 You know one of the things that we could do is to do another directory .
29 One thing one thing we could do is erm reduce or not not photo-reduce but just cut out the middle of a sheet of the headed notepaper , then you get two two ha er two A five things but that way round .
30 So I think we are actually obliged , and it 's right that people should be consulted , but there is a point about it that it takes an awful long time and that is actually the reason why we 've got er a whole programme of urban safety management schemes that er are taking a long time to develop , it 's almost two years now , and the main reason for that is toing and froing with different designs with members of the public and the worst thing we could do is actually put in a package of schemes which people say , well that 's not what we wanted anyway .
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