Example sentences of "[pron] one of [det] " in BNC.

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1 she loves me Its one of these quite big ones with a little catch on the outside you know , a little ,
2 Its one of those things where you 're fucked either way . ’
3 He says its one of those things , but it wo n't happen again .
4 we were talking about it at lunch time , you know , its one of those things that you just do n't think about , you know ,
5 ‘ I do n't know which one of these you knew , but all of them were shot down recently and all signed the form without a murmur .
6 Which one of these Labour MPs did not attend a public school : Tony Benn , Dr Jack Cunningham , Giles Radice , Dr John Gilbert ?
7 Which one of these two constituencies does n't exist ?
8 Which one of these MPs is not an accomplished magician : Simon Hughes , Greville Janner , John MacGregor ?
9 Whether they believe that we change through investigation of the unconscious mind , through investigation of the relationship that forms between a therapist and client , through group experience or through changing patterns of behaviour will depend to some extent on which one of these experiences they can best identify with themselves .
10 There are situations , and there are types of relationships , in which one of these purposes becomes dominant , and the other hardly matters at all .
11 Erm it also means that in the case of tapes that have come from your parents you 're more likely to know one or two of the speakers and therefore have a less difficult time sorting out which one of these twelve
12 Erm let's see which one of these you think you you 're pretty sure about .
13 So what which one of these words is going to start a question ?
14 So which one of these uses opposite and adjacent ?
15 Erm five point four , Which one of these just tell me about which one whether you think they 're correctly
16 This kettle , is covered with scale , now look , see Twelve point six is asking you which one of these is causing the problem ?
17 So maybe you could sort of go back and think which one of these would possibly give me calcium carbonate , well that Good chance it might you know have a guess , that this one
18 Which one of these statements about ‘ ozone-friendly ’ ( non-CFC ) aerosol cans is true ?
19 Which one of these statements about plastic cling-film is untrue ?
20 He passed within six feet of a cart , on the opposite side to the working men , received a shovel full of slurry on the shoulders and chest , which one of those individuals , either by accident or design , had thrown right over the vehicle .
21 A little social lie , which one of those drawling females would have used .
22 And which one of those is a sixth ?
23 Which , which one of those dates is
24 Which one of those well-fed bitches is the murderess ? ’
25 Which one of those ?
26 And which one of this lot has got the C in ?
27 The newcomer , moreover , does not enter the village as a lone individual who has to win social recognition among the locals in order to make life tolerable-Instead , particularly during the 1950s and 1960s , the newcomers arrived in such large numbers — perhaps due to the building of a new housing estate by a local speculative builder — that the individual ‘ immigrant ’ found himself one of many others whose values , behaviour and life-styles were similarly based upon urban , middle-class patterns of sociability .
28 Indeed , I recently heard of a case where some Catholic white children taunted a Catholic black child with the words , ‘ Are you one of those who were bought ? ’
29 When I was twelve , a boy at school had asked me , ‘ Are you one of those people who can turn scribbly lines into pictures ? ’
30 Are you one of those people who despair of ever getting into some of their favourite clothes again ?
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