Example sentences of "[pron] up to a " in BNC.

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1 But they have got to be able to say : ‘ We will open ourselves up to a change agent ’ … and change is painful . ’
2 But they have got to be able to say : ‘ We will open ourselves up to a change agent ’ … and change is painful . ’
3 Then pulling himself up to a great height , he went on .
4 And truly it was no longer , as I had once thought , a matter of a star courting success by adopting the affectations of a prima donna , but of a man who has given himself up to a trance .
5 He was sending himself up to a degree , but it does n't matter .
6 The red-haired baby with the bright blue eyes heaves himself up to a standing position , staggers , then sits down abruptly with a look of mild surprise .
7 He gradually built himself up to a third championship in 1984 , when he emerged champion by just half a point from his McLaren team-mate Alain Prost in one of the sport 's closest battles .
8 Instead of reassuring Stephen , now working himself up to a fever pitch of nervous excitement with the launch date in view , Michael 's superior manner had begun to grate .
9 He grew large and plump and round-cheeked , but he was without kittenish ways as if his sad experience had robbed him prematurely of his youth , yet when he sat on Lyn 's lap in the evenings he gave himself up to a drowsy and contented purring .
10 ‘ I 'll beam you up to a point in space close to the centre of a galaxy .
11 I had no idea that what was happening was my body trying to bring itself up to a natural weight rather than the unnatural , low one that I kept it at .
12 Be prepared to centre yourself in revery , to give yourself up to your memories just as your sleeping self gives itself up to a dream .
13 So we 're trying to bring everyone up to a certain level in certain selected topics — aspects of mechanics , heat , wave motion .
14 ‘ They have the same basic EQ as a humbucker , so you can get that really crunchy sort of distortion , but we also found that when you linked them up to a Fender-style five-way switch they had this amazing ability to clean up , like a Strat , in the in-between positions .
15 However , he has said : ‘ If social services want to keep some kind of data about the additional services which may not immediately be necessary , I do n't think the process is going to open them up to a legal threat . ’
16 The Dutch parliament has recently decided that owners of contaminated sites should aim to clean them up to a level that is suitable for any use , but has accepted that where such a policy is uneconomic , it would be sufficient to isolate , control and monitor the land .
17 He brings some out , we stew them up to a dark amber and sit sipping .
18 Gaveston led them back to the heart of the palace whence a servitor took them up to a chamber high in the building .
19 She 's sent them up to a London publisher who is actually going to bring them out — Multiculturalism and Pluralism in the New Europe .
20 Incidentally , the last I heard , that weekly coach to the Upper Witham was still running — under the name of Heeley Angling Club and , even more surprising , I understand that ’ Jock ’ was still driving them up to a few years ago .
21 When I started feeding them I built them up to a wedge of ‘ Horsehage ’ each — which they love .
22 and we , we would ask of that , but the next point and erm , is this my Lord erm at the moment erm the negotiations are erm proceeding in relation to the house , about which we have heard evidence , er , we could not properly buy it until it had been investigated by the court of protection and there was approval of that , and er it will be necessary for er consideration to be given as to how it should be purchased , in practical terms , firstly your Lordship has erm awarded a figure of seventy one thousand pounds , then there is the eighty thousand pounds on the existing house which takes one up to a hundred and fifty or thereabouts , and one sees that the special damages and interest thereon comes to something over fifty two thousand pounds to which these er parents will be entitled in the normal way , and if they were to apply , they might do and apply , that would go a long way to purchasing it and the court of protection , if it approved that might take the view that it would be fair to take something out of the notional aspect of damages for loss of earnings , because after all the plaintiff would have spent his earnings for housing and so on in the future , that , that is the sort of problems that now have to be tackled er what , what we would respect and suggest is er simply that there is liberty to apply erm .
23 He guaranteed his windows against everything up to a BlastMaster minimissile , but you were usually too dead to complain if he supplied you with defective merch .
24 Some sites can go and order everything up to a thousand pounds .
25 As Travis set her down on her good leg inside the hut she gave herself up to a sense of fatalism .
26 Now that 's a bit of a surprise to you in the sense that you believed that ten percent of the population owned eighty percent of the land and therefore this , this kind of erm a a attack on , on the rich was happening through the May the fourth directive , that would 've produced enough to bring everybody up to a reasonable middle peasant status .
27 Not directly but you can make one in that how that once everybody gets , once you have the resources to raise everybody up to a certain sort of acceptable standard of living , then you can redistribute those resources and you are , you are , y you 'll be able to eliminate poverty
28 But , but i i i i if you went yes I mean er in a sense that th there are one possibility is to redistribute the land , and do that equally , but if , if there , there was not enough land to bring everybody up to subsistence level er I mean some were , the , the argument is there was n't enough land to bring everybody up to a landlord 's subsistence level .
29 He had once summed her up to a female student , after several lagers , as ‘ no tits to speak of and even less bum ’ .
30 I used to fantasise about tying her up to a bed , together with all her giggling friends , like the woman in the film . ’
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