Example sentences of "[pron] what [noun] you " in BNC.

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1 For example , they 'll ask you what budget you are working to , and the size of your family .
2 If you then er , it will then ask you over what period do you want to right so if you press the end key that will submit the job erm it asks for the sample period , we 're going to use the whole of the sample , so if you just press the return key , that 's the default for the whole of the sample , right , it then asks you what procedure you want to use to estimate the model , we 're going to use O L S option one , just press the return key O L S then the computer has estimated the model , right .
3 they always told you what date you got
4 This button does n't just show you what directory you 're currently in , but also pops up File Manager .
5 As they moved towards the green baize door he added as an afterthought , ‘ Oh , and Elsa , if anyone asks you what nationality you are , say you 're Swiss . ’
6 This leaflet tells you what help you may be able to get .
7 A company requiring someone with organizing skills might ask you what skills you 'll be bringing to the job .
8 Sighed , tell you what Kevin you go and make a drink , I 'll empty the tumbledryer and put the washing away , number one
9 But can I just answer that because hopefully we do we do try to listen and we try to give you what information you 're capable of taking at the time .
10 When you go to a banker for a loan and he asks you what security you can offer , you may think that banks exist to lend on good security .
11 they were on about that they ship them abroad and th , they were interviewing a lad in London he said oh , he used to get up in the morning and er go down to the phone box and phone this contact they know and he 'd tell you what cars you wanted pinching this day and they pinch them to order !
12 That was the er tells you what channels you can get what you pay for
13 Your bill will tell you what band you 're in so if you think you 're entitled to any discounts and these are n't shown on your bill , just pick up the phone and call the Action Team they 'll put you through to someone who knows exactly what street you live in and what tax you should pay .
14 There is no capital city for pilgrims , no head office in a worldwide church , no head priest to tell you what teachings you must follow .
15 Right , but we have covered most things that 's ev , I do n't know if I 've actually missed anything out , right but just to clarify my thinking what is it you do actually want to think about , is it the the colour , is it what glass you want in the bathroom ?
16 You can tell it what time you wan na set out
17 Q Could you tell me what equipment you use for ‘ Blocking and Steaming ’ your work ?
18 When you can put bums on seats , then you can come and tell me what flights you want to travel on .
19 Do you mind telling me what method you 're using ? ’
20 Erm I 'll turn that over erm right and I 'll say a number and you tell me what number you 'd have to add to it to make it up to ten .
21 ‘ Had n't you better tell me what arguments you used to persuade him ? ’
22 Tell me what time you have to get up in morning
23 You can stay and wh tell me what time you 're think about going .
24 So give yourself what help you can .
25 ‘ To see for myself what depravity you think I am capable of . ’
26 Would you explain to us what subject you 've chosen
27 Could you tell us what job you do in B M K ?
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