Example sentences of "[pron] will one day " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Perhaps I will one day .
2 But I will one day .
3 The wife and child that Tod and I will one day have .
4 I hope by sharing the struggle and vision of the people in both ‘ worlds ’ , that more people will be inspired to ‘ blow the trumpet ’ which will one day sound the tune for the march of humanity into progress .
5 A celebration of the Queen 's passion for the Turf , gun dogs and racing pigeons — one imagines in that order — comes as a welcome relief and makes one hope fervently that she will one day lead in a Derby winner .
6 ‘ Maybe not , but she will one day , ’ she said , very sure of herself .
7 He has devoted time and energy to people because it is the people who will one day be his subjects , and he feels a sense of responsibility towards them ; but he will also be King of the British Isles , and has a responsibility to safeguard those Isles for future generations .
8 Instead of seeing Hollywood as a powerful rival to be confronted and challenged , British producers have too often looked upon the US film industry as a much-wooed lady who will one day fall into their arms .
9 How , she asked herself in those early days , has it come about that I , daughter to a humble carpenter and a washerwoman , have become the companion and confidante of her who is close to the throne , who is sister-in-law to him who will one day be King of England ?
10 Could it triumph , with its Galileos , Einsteins , Picassos , Beethovens and Aristotles — thinkers and seers of Pacific origin , who will one day come to imprint their views and creations as firmly as did their Mediterranean and Atlantic forebears ?
11 He will send the Conablaiche to kill every male child in Ireland , ’ said Fael-Inis , ‘ for he believes that in that way , he will kill the child who will one day rise up to challenge him . ’
12 For Tara , and for Ireland , and for the world of the Future , and perhaps also for the legendary Lost Prince who will one day rise up and defeat Medoc …
13 Confident that the anointing they have all received is the person of the Spirit of the Anointed One , who remains with them ( 2:27 ) , John knows he can safely leave their instruction to that same Spirit who is true and who shows them how to abide in Christ , the Christ who will one day return ( 2:28f ) .
14 She left instructions that her two-year-old pony , called Baby , should go to Claire House to bring pleasure to the young people who will one day be staying there .
15 You will one day . ’
16 You will one day find such a man and marry him , I am certain .
17 ‘ When you are starting off you imagine a stratosphere into which you will one day ascend .
18 " You will one day .
19 Then , ‘ My child , you will one day know , ’ she had said .
20 But do n't we also know , if only in our dreams , that even as we do so we will one day just as surely tall down it ?
21 It is said in some circles that Morrison is alive and well and living in Des Moines , so perhaps we will one day have to sit through Doors II : the Incognito Years .
22 Maybe there will one day be a novel from Amis which portrays the Patrick Standish of the Eighties — more baleful , no doubt , on certain subjects , nicer to his cat , surrounded by the monuments of the New Right and by the debris of the swinging past to which he had once been a contributor .
23 Perhaps they will one day , but at the moment it seems some way off .
24 Hopefully they will one day get fed up of being in a ghetto of just satisfying 50,000 people , ’ he says .
25 If the Greeks do not get their debt under control — and that , be it repeated , means getting a 7%-of-GDP surplus on the ordinary part of their budget , so as to have enough money left over to pay what is due on the debt — they will one day find they can not sell the bonds that keep the debt going .
26 It wo n't happen overnight , but I can assure you it will one day .
27 He told a court in Seoul , South Korea : ‘ I 'm sorry the rapture did not come , but it will one day . ’
28 It may be predicted with confidence that he will one day be one of the greatest masters of his art .
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