Example sentences of "[pron] can [verb] your " in BNC.

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1 And I can tell your Mum
2 . That 's just the things we do , with the coronary arteries , we do coronary artery by- passes , I can , I can sew like any woman , I can darn your socks , we stick the veins on and we re-establish the the heart going a bit faster .
3 In September 1764 , eighteen months after they first met , Boswell told Johnson in a letter from Saxony , ‘ It shall be my study to do what I can to render your life happy ; and , if you die before me , I shall endeavour to do honour to your memory . ’
4 ‘ All I have to do is make one phone call to the plant manager and I can blow your cover . ’
5 Oh I mean I I after we after er we may never see look at each other again so my my job is to is to say right I can forward your name to and say look you know er I will make one or two points this guy er needs to be concentrated on , not as an exception , but you know because we 've taken fliers with people before you 've been very successful .
6 Er I can assure your Lordships that this is not the case .
7 ‘ Let me see if I can guess your favourite hobbies , ’ he mused , deadpan .
8 I can fix your promotion but it will take time . ’
9 If I have accurate information , I can plot your star chart and produce detailed information about you .
10 Hurry up so I can clear your gravy up , go on go on
11 Sixty seven of the pleadings bundle which are the further and better particulars this year and you can see that er looking back to page sixty six , what the plaintiffs have been asked to state was to give particulars of the change in financial position which had been outlined to Mr on the telephone and er your Lordship will see first of all that in answer eighty little A , there is a reference to er a letter of the twenty seventh of February nineteen ninety two which was a letter from the plaintiff 's solicitors to the defendant 's solicitors which , this is been incorporating in the front or ought to be in the bible , erm I do n't think it has been but there are copies if I can hand your Lordship it was missed out in error I am sorry .
12 Now about getting physical activity , I , I ca n't say that I can give your a er er a foolproof method because it will depend upon you .
13 Yeah cos it means I can cook your tea for you does n't it ?
14 . I think I can answer your original question now if I may .
15 In any case I think I can answer your questions without disturbing her . ’
16 I can go your way .
17 When we move in here , we get this guy come along to look at it , he say well this machine the er the Germans erm they 've really the pump is th is really easy to go , and so I can change your pump for you but l in your washing machine washing machine .
18 You see now that the most common cause of death is what they call the of diseases resulting from degenerate lifestyles , and I 'm very proud and I 'm very proud to tell you that although I come from South Africa , and you might not think I 'm very intelligent , as you sit here , down here and there , I can sign your death certificate already .
19 ‘ Because I can feel your pain , Fran .
20 ‘ So I can feel your pulse , ’ he said impatiently .
21 Please help me up onto your knee so I can pull your hair and punch you in the mouth . "
22 ‘ On that at least I can set your friends ’ minds at rest .
23 No , I can leave your name off that .
24 I can sense your emotional state .
25 I can score your point now .
26 I can score your point now .
27 ‘ You see how easily I can influence your mind ?
28 I said I 'm also gon na be che cheeky and see if I can use your toi he said oh yes he said , go and help yourself he said there 's a kettle down there , make yourself a drink , make yourself at home .
29 ‘ I can see you are distressed by the business conducted here , but I can put your mind at rest .
30 And later when I saw Paul , I said Paul if you go away for the weekend , if you tell me , I can put your milk in my fridge .
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