Example sentences of "[pron] all and [verb] " in BNC.

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1 It 'd be nice to have 5 or so in hand with Scum only 13 points ahead , we win em all and take the league from under their noses .
2 ‘ I will be thinking of you all and wishing you continued good fortune with your worthwhile venture , ’ said Sharron , who was the star of a promotional video used to raise funds towards the pool reopening .
3 ‘ My colleague , Fru Blicher , at the Villa has asked me to extend her best wishes to you all and invite you to a Lieder recital to be held in the music room — you know , that lovely room with its medieval instruments — tomorrow evening . ’
4 It is great to be here , but I miss you all and look forward to being with you again soon .
5 The generosity of the offer had surprised them all and had prompted a whole spate of spontaneous offers .
6 But she spoke to them all and said she would never forget them .
7 My father knew them all and taught me their names .
8 That unsettled them all and made them wonder who would be the next to go .
9 ‘ We repainted them all and made new mattresses . ’
10 So I collected them all and took them home .
11 ‘ I 'm not the woman-hater who juggled eight women and kept lying to them all and kept them on a string and had one for every night , ’ he says .
12 None of them applied to me , so I deleted them all and put ‘ Ms ’ .
13 Well you can have them all and put the black in when you need it .
14 before she was born , so I washed them all and put them on
15 ‘ We used to have to go to them all and raise funds for the old Alma Mater .
16 I get a bit flustered with all the letters , so what I do is , I take them all and go to Sonja 's room .
17 He looked at them all and knew he could n't .
18 And shawls , kaftans , kimonos , I 've worn them all and felt I was n't quite the thing .
19 But Horsley did not seem to see things like that , and he had cheered them up mightily with a little speech congratulating them all and insisting ‘ the team ’ must stay together .
20 The Triplane absorbed them all and droned on .
21 She smiled at them all and added ,
22 Her pure unforced natural soprano soared into the air above them all and showered that hard school of auditors with a sprinkling of lovely notes that they turned into tears .
23 The first of the five villages of the Cinque Terre , Monterosso al Mare is the largest and the most accessible of them all and has the finest hotels and restaurants .
24 She said he threw the baby around , tried to strangle them all and ripped up the furniture .
25 Get them all and meet me in the Operations Room .
26 and a cup of coffee and a cigarette , and I always do that but this day I was so tired after the doing the garden , both gardens like and fucking weeding them all and doing everything else and brushing out the back and doing I said to him for fuck 's sake do them dishes for me for a change William would you I said , so I got er got myself in the bath said I 'm away to bingo , so William 's gone out what happened ? eight , I had eight he had one you may get yourself I said ah fuck no wonder I have no fucking luck , so on the settee and said I 'm not going anywhere , I sat for ten minutes then I said ah fuck you why should I sit here so I lifted the car keys and walked out again then , fucking zooming out of and there was John coming up like that
27 Kay Evans presented their certificates to all the new teachers who were present , congratulated them all and encouraged them to take an active part in the training days .
28 I have tried them all and find that the first method suits me best .
29 You may favour a different way , but try them all and see .
30 ‘ If we sell one more player I might as well sell them all and forget the silver and take the gold — I 'm not going to continue to sell one or two a season .
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