Example sentences of "[pron] would [be] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I would be nice to think that if people knew the correct diet for them particularly the correct diet for weight loss , they would simply go and follow it , and that would be the end of obesity .
2 I would be nice to have two clear months in the calendar to be able to lead a more settled life , but training and PR commitments make that impossible . ’
3 But in actual fact I think that for preliminary erm instruction I 'm , I would be better .
4 " If you can call a truce , I thought I would be magnanimous too . "
5 However , it seems to me that there is something a little perverse in leaving me your notes on the making of the Big Glass when you must have known perfectly well that they contained material I would be certain to find offensive .
6 It was the same story with the first three but the fourth told me that I would be certain to get a coffin from a firm of suppliers in Birkenhead and was kind enough to give me their telephone number .
7 The people murdered last week were every bit as innocent as were the people in the Shankhill Road , and I would be certain that the families of the people in the Shankhill Road would be horrified that the murder of their loved ones would be used as an excuse as an excuse to do exactly the same to other innocent people .
8 I have n't heard the names yet , of the people who have lost their lives but I 'd be I would be certain that I would know some of them personally .
9 I would be pleased to reimburse any costs incurred .
10 If you feel like showing me a few pages in a day or two , I would be pleased , and I 'm sure your other readers out there would be fascinated by a full autobiography .
11 I would be pleased to receive additional information or experience from readers for possible inclusion in future editions .
12 I would be pleased to receive any observations from readers on their own experience .
13 I would be pleased to answer any inquiries .
14 ‘ Your book has strong appeal and I would be pleased to consider writing a foreword .
15 I would be pleased if you could advise me on my plants , especially the Amazon swords .
16 I would be pleased if you could give me details of how to rewire it , or a drawing of the wiring setup .
17 I would be pleased to help if I could , ’ Ruth replied .
18 I was a mature student of the time so I would be pleased to hear from those graduating prior to 1985 .
19 Information and research on this growing problem are at a fairly early stage , and I would be pleased to hear from anyone with similar experience .
20 If you have any questions or comments I would be pleased to receive them .
21 I would be pleased to have the branch 's views on them .
22 I would be pleased if Council could consider this matter and endorse or amend the proposed approach .
23 Personally I would be pleased to find a driver that works with any variety of the printer I had — after a life of driving everything as an Epson FX-80 that would be progress !
24 If you are using or considering any of these programmes ( eg Somerset Thinking Skills or Thinking Science/Cognitive Acceleration through Science Education ) I would be pleased to hear from you .
25 Mrs Rena Jamieson , however , will still be attending and I would be pleased if you could arrange for a replacement invoice , which I believe will total £85.00 , to be sent to the above address , for the attention of Miss H White .
26 On the matter of the catalogues , if you need assistance on what is being exhibited in this area , the themes being promoted , or any activities planned , I would be pleased to gather in the information you need if this is the easiest way of doing it .
27 After you have studied these papers , I would be pleased to know if you could appear at the public inquiry to present evidence in support of the Regional Council 's case and , in particular , on the supply and demand for office floor space in the Edinburgh area , and the poor marketability of Millerhill as a location for major office and class 4 business development .
28 I would be pleased if you could now take on board the extension of formal smoking at work restrictions as applied at Regional Headquarters and Regional Chambers to apply to Chesser House and for this to be formally agreed by the Council .
29 If you could tell me what I 'm getting out of this turmoil I would be pleased to hear it . ’
30 You have made 'em red , you have made 'em redundant and you in , in you have and I hope you 've had nobody redundant because I 've I 'd be pleased to go out to those homes and say them come back and I would be pleased to go up to and say you 've got your figures wrong because you 're saying that nobody 's made redundant ooh well I I 'm so pleased .
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