Example sentences of "[pron] has [been] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Everyone has been so friendly .
2 Everyone has been so generous .
3 Everyone has been so kind in the company .
4 The new format of the double morning services is working well and everyone has been very co-operative .
5 Everyone has been very positive , ’ he said .
6 Branislav said : ‘ Everyone has been very kind .
7 But everyone has been very kind .
8 He told the press , ‘ Everyone has been truly wonderful to me .
9 ‘ It has been a marvellous season for me and everyone has been really pleased with my progress .
10 In fact , most people publish in the hope that their findings will continue to be relevant long after the particular theory to which they have attached them has been finally laid to rest .
11 In particular , the number of stopping places available to them has been drastically reduced over a period of three or four decades during which the travelling population has been on the increase , although I have not been able to discover the measure of it .
12 True each of them has been finely tuned .
13 So sharply have the battle lines been drawn between Soviet , liberal and libertarian historians that fruitful debate between them has been all but impossible .
14 The economic differences between a farmer and his workers are as wide today as they ever were ( probably wider when wealth as well as income is taken into account ) , but the social distance between them has been considerably reduced .
15 And , while nothing has been officially announced , change is understood to be being considered for Aldershot 's ‘ collocated ’ catering training schools .
16 Nothing has been since … ’
17 ‘ How can you be so utterly selfish as to uproot the child from her home and school at this stage , when nothing has been finally decided by the court ?
18 Nothing has been more ominous in the doctrinal shift of the 1980s than the actual hostility to this term which can now be found in Roman teaching .
19 And my enormous thanks go to my own Table , Chester seventy six , very very true friends indeed and the same for the whole of my own area , Area thirty six Wirral and the Marches , where nothing has been too much trouble and they are here today as you 've just seen in some considerable strength .
20 The issue becomes especially important where , as a result of questioning , and without the benefit of the correct conditions or the advice from the solicitor , access to whom has been wrongly denied , the suspect makes a damaging confession which the police later try to rely upon at the trial in order to secure a conviction .
21 No-one has been here only me and Miss Morgan , just been bathing me , she has , see ? ’
22 Someone has been here and fairly recently . ’
23 Personnel is rarely told if someone has been off sick .
24 I tend to favour the idea that people who have not been out of business too long could probably play a valuable role , although I accept that , if someone has been out of active business life for two or three years , his contacts and awareness of up-to-date affairs may have changed .
25 Anyway , talking about changing tempers , yours has been in and out with the tide these last few months .
26 Having elaborated the paradoxical conditions of historicity , of any history or totalization , Derrida himself has been particularly concerned to analyse those such as Husserl , Heidegger or Levinas , who have been involved in investigations of time and temporality .
27 By 1965 or so this had all gone , but Medalla himself has been too bouncy and inventive to obey the arid strictures of minimalism .
28 Dr Garfield himself has been as cautious as anyone in making claims for his technique , not least because it does not allow one to predict which specialities the Nobel authorities will single out for acclamation .
29 Nobody has been more appropriately cast : almost single-handedly Graham Gooch has rejuvenated English cricket .
30 Nobody has been more appropriately cast : almost single-handedly Graham Gooch has rejuvenated English cricket .
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