Example sentences of "[pron] have make [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Having decided to show all the four seasons in one picture ( as opposed to other occasions when I have made them as a matching set of four separate pictures ) , I had to find a mount that would blend well with all the seasons and colours , so chose an earthy brown .
2 I am sorry that I have made them
3 But I have made her promise to teach me to cook a little even though at first she said she would n't think of it . ’
4 Indeed , I have made her immortal : my old friend Will Shakespeare wrote a play about a Danish prince called Hamlet who moons about the stage wondering whether he should kill his murderous mother .
5 One retired Somerset man told a visiting kinsman , ‘ You are likely to have but a short feast here , but I pray you if you have not good cheer blame my sonne John Webb and not me , for of my troth I have made him master of all . ’
6 ‘ But now that I have made myself available for England again it 's important to be part of this Championship . ’
7 I know a fair amount about how the machine works and I have made myself slow up when it comes to finishing off ( I have to be very careful to inspect all seams , knowing my friend 's beady eye will be on the work ! ) .
8 I have made myself understood ? ’
9 My brother , sister and I have made lots of friends whilst we have been down there , but it only really started to fascinate us from about 2 or 3 years ago , before then we had just been interested in swimming , going into the amusements and going to the beach etc .
10 I have made lots of lasting friendships along my Guiding road as I have through Medau and think myself lucky .
11 ‘ I am glad I have made someone happy .
12 ‘ Now I have made you some tea , ’ Dorothea said , coming into the room .
13 ‘ Sir , I have made you an honourable proposal for the hand of your daughter , whom I am in a position to support now and , later , in increased comfort — ’
14 He can never — and Jaq can never — make you feel the way I have made you feel today .
15 I have made you unhappy , telling you about the burnings , ’ he said , dropping a kiss on her upturned face .
16 says explaining why he had come to earth Jesus told the Roman governor Pontius Pilate , will thus I 've been born and for this purpose I have come out of the world that I should bear witness to the truth , but what particular truth was Jesus sent to earth to make no man , first just about his heavenly father , he taught his followers to pray that his father name be hallowed or hell holy and he prayed , I have made your name manifest to the man you gave me , also he said I must declare the good news with the kingdom of God , because for this I was sent forth , so what truths did Jesus come to er , to tell ?
17 I have made it absolutely clear from the outset that I would not in any circumstances give up my family 's present interest in Blackpool FC .
18 I have made it my business to go after lost Leonardos now , ’ says Dr Pedretti , who worked closely with Kenneth Clark and took over his mantle as the world 's leading Leonardo expert .
19 I have made it quite clear from the beginning that a partnership government has to be a partnership at all levels , ’ he said .
20 I hope I have made it clear now that although ( 1 ) to ( 5 ) are basically the same structure , each modification is itself a sufficient change to make it a different kind of game — and thus the experience is a different one according to which is chosen ( either by the teacher or the participants themselves ) .
21 Their Majesties received us with such extraordinary graciousness that , when I shall tell it , people will declare that I have made it up .
22 I think you have something definite to say — and I hope I have made it easier for you to say it . ’
23 I have made it a point of honour to spare you moral blackmail of the ‘ Do you honestly suppose for a single moment that I would be capable of stooping to such beastliness ? ’ variety , and I shall not waver even at this supreme moment .
24 He has told April that I am insanely in love with him , and now they both hate me : he , because I have made it plain this is not the case , and she for much the same reason , only compounded by the fact that since he has raised the subject , and in view of his demeanour towards me …
25 Mr. Bill Walker : I have made it clear that I would not be unhappy if Stagecoach ended up with the Strathtay area , but that I would prefer Strathtay bus company .
26 I have made it clear over recent months , and am happy to repeat today , that we are seeking an agreement at Maastricht that will be acceptable to the House and will enable Europe to move forward together .
27 I have made it clear that the decisions have been taken .
28 I have made it clear that we have made decisions for the future structure of the Army that will result in a higher proportion of the Army overall being drawn from Scotland — I imagine that the hon. Gentleman will welcome that .
29 I have made it clear to the right hon. Gentleman and to the House that we believe that the Union between the United Kingdom and Scotland is important .
30 In reply to representations on that matter , my right hon. and learned Friend and I have made it clear that funding will continue to be available from central Government for all types of further education for adults .
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