Example sentences of "[pron] have in the " in BNC.

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1 Indeed , I have in the past done so , filing pages of foolscap paper with words spangled as wildflower , natural and sweet .
2 The behaviourists ' answer would be that I have in the past been reinforced by coffee when I have gone to C , but not when I have gone to B. This could well be correct .
3 I have in the past been accustomed to addressing under-servants by their Christian names and saw no reason to do otherwise in this house . ’
4 I learned more about coaching sprinters by reading this book than I have in the past 30 years in the sport .
5 Then the Cid assembled together the Christians in the Alcazar , and when they were assembled , he rose upon his feet and said , Friends and kinsmen and vassals , praised be God and holy Mary Mother , all the good which I have in the world I have here in Valencia ; with hard labour I won the city , and hold it for my heritage , and for nothing less than death will I leave it .
6 ‘ Alec , ’ he had blubbered , pawing at his sleeve , ‘ yer the only true friend I have in the whole wide world .
7 I have in the studio the world 's youngest scientist — at least I reckon she must be .
8 We 'll live happily and innocently together in a little white house I have in the south of France .
9 Always hopeful , I have in the past approached many players with a view to them joining Athletico .
10 I think I 've been up and down to the Big Smoke more times since Christmas than I have in the past two years — and the jaunt next weekend — at long last Mark & I have managed to use a Boots free train ticket voucher — two of us for £45.55 — Baaargain !
11 I mean , if you have starved like I have in the wilds of Muscovy or the deserts of North Africa , you always remember what you have eaten .
12 Eventually Stephen committed suicide in a Sydney hotel , leaving a note that stated , ‘ All the means I have in the world is on the table , 23/6d , and this I have borrowed ’ .
13 Let's see what I have in the box — ( bring out the decorations one by one , letting everyone admire them ) .
14 ‘ I just hope I can keep shooting birdies like I have in the first two rounds . ’
15 I have in the last couple of lectures erm outlined or tried to outline erm Locke 's basic decision erm his concept of how we as individuals are related to nature , to each other and I 've emphasised the crucial importance of this notion of how we are related to God .
16 Well I have in the past given them fifty each for Christmas but this year they 're going to have to make do with twenty .
17 The broadcasting authorities , which have in the past been accused of falling foul of the ancestors of this provision by reason of granting undue exposure to one particularly well-known candidate ( see Grieve v Douglas-Home [ 1965 ] SLT 186 ) , are now exempt ( 1983 Act , s.75(1)1 , but the press otherwise , even such a reputable journal as The Times , remains bound ( see R v Tronoh Mines and The Times publishing Co [ 1952 ] 1 All ER 697 ) .
18 That is a serious charge against Christianity ; and one which has not been raised in quite the same way by other moral issues ( such as slavery ) which have in the past confronted Christians .
19 The problems noted above are intensified for the management of stock revision programmes ; these are carried out by staff who are either subject specialists or who have in the course of the stock revision acquired a good deal of knowledge about the subject literature — certainly more than the line manager .
20 Youngsters , who have in the past turned to parents for guidance and example , have their confidence seriously undermined by their seniors ' inability to offer any sort of explanation or hope .
21 The assumption here is that the more quality names you have in the race , the more likely the product is to be of high calibre .
22 But , for the sake of your own well-being , it would be best to try and reduce the number that you have in the course of the day .
23 Above all , make an effort not to develop psychological reactions to chemicals — never assume that you are going to react to a chemical just because you have in the past .
24 Replacing every item as you use it is a sure way of always being prepared — and of being certain what you have in the house .
25 If a friend descends upon you unexpectedly , you just have to hope that whatever you have in the freezer will suffice .
26 And you will never discover how serious it was until the stakes are raised horribly high ; until you find that you are playing not for counters or sixpences but for every penny you have in the world .
27 ‘ I do n't understand these ‘ washing machines ’ that you have in the West ’ , Harish once said .
28 Like going to sleep by contrasting a bed with a pavement , I sometimes find myself thinking that if the worst comes to the worst I can always earn a living by my hands ; I can scrub , clean , cook and sew ; all you have in the end is your labour .
29 Should , what they were trying to do was copy the masks that you have in the
30 And just as you have in the past answered our call for money , so you are now ready to answer our call for people .
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