Example sentences of "[pron] 's not [that] " in BNC.

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1 She 's not that I think she 'll know how upset she is .
2 One or two shapes moved through the darkness but most people — There 's not that many , Chesarynth realized .
3 I tell you what I was quite disappointed as that , there was no , did n't seem to be a couple of stair up in the box office either the Lyceum I could see or there 's not that there 's
4 so you can go to them and ask them for advice and they ca n't give it , because there 's not that link back to where you know
5 It 's not that I want to offend you or anything , I … ’
6 He frequents a seedy restaurant — ‘ You see this wretched tavern I spend all my time in , and I enjoy it , or rather it 's not that I really enjoy it , but one must have somewhere to perch ’ : this is the form which the Dostoevsky no-home takes with him , likewise the transpersonal motif first voiced by Marmeladov in this novel , that a man must have somewhere to go .
7 It 's not that he ceases altogether to be the eternal student , but that he becomes reshaped and misshaped into an aberration .
8 It 's not that Shatov is somehow proved right and Mrs Virginsky wrong about new life and ( by implication ) God , but that the most natural hope begins to stir in the merely legal father 's heart ; so it would be pompous and artificial to go on talking about futurity , this is the future in the mind 's eye of one rejoicing man : shared , beautiful , fragile ; and the whole novel seems braced to tear itself free of the devils possessing it :
9 It 's not that I do n't want to say anything but I just do n't know what to say , ’ John Ryan , the Welsh coach , sighed .
10 It 's not that Malcolm was a father-figure to us — as some have said — he was more like an elder brother who 'd actually been out there in the world and done it so he had the confidence and experience .
11 It 's not that he wants to stop them going to the toilet , we 've got to persuade these people to do it on a stagger basis …
12 It 's not that I do n't try — I do .
13 And often it 's not that they never had anywhere to live , it 's just that they could n't cope with the responsibilities and the isolation of living on their own .
14 ‘ To a farmer it 's an anathema not to produce on his land and therefore it 's not that he is not being responsible in meeting the challenges . ’
15 It 's not that she 's said , ‘ No , you must n't wear make-up ’ , but all my friends do , and sometimes I feel strange because I have n't got any .
16 It 's not that I want to be the ideal woman ; I 'd simply like to be able to walk down a street and not even think about it .
17 It 's not that I 'm particularly unhappy with the shape of my body or with my image , it 's just that I worry all the time about what people think about me , what impression they are getting .
18 It 's not that I am fearful of telling the truth , but the reader might be offended .
19 But it 's not that that 's keeping him away from tomorrow 's London marathon .
20 It 's not that the jokes are not funny , but just that they are about as fresh as a tin of those pineapple chunks .
21 It 's not that I do n't care .
22 It 's not that I do n't want your company .
23 In fact it 's not that the memory is lost , so much as the person ca n't get out the facts which are stored in the memory .
24 It 's not that Binbrook was such an important station to warrant all this staff , but as the size of the RAF contracted more and more , Waafs were posted there from the closing satellite stations and at one point there were twelve of us .
25 Perhaps that 's what W O meant : it 's not that there are no faults , just that from behind the wheel of a Bentley you do n't give a damn .
26 I said my say : ‘ It 's not that I 'm angry with you , or that you 've done anything wrong .
27 It 's not that you 're deliberately staying away from London by any chance is it ? ’
28 It 's not that you need them .
29 It 's not that I want to play the most difficult things ; I really do n't .
30 It 's not that I do n't want to …
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