Example sentences of "[pron] were often [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 My father , my mother and I were often asked to spend Sunday afternoons in the country , but sometimes , unless a horse and cart were sent to collect us , we could not go because the families who invited us lived too far away .
2 Legally those having less than the minimum of 40s. in goods should have been assessed on wages or ‘ profits for wages ’ , which were often treated as interchangeable , though sometimes carefully distinguished : in Goldspur hundred on the Kentish border assessments on profits were specified in 1524 , but in the next year the assessments roped in more small taxpayers and divided them into fifty-one on wages , forty-six on profits and seven on goods .
3 Some writers and journalists ridiculed her appeals , which were often received with hostility by militant students .
4 The internal measures which were often used ( with a notable slant towards secondary schools ) were examination results , tests of literacy and numeracy , attendance patterns , pupils ' records of achievement , curriculum information and national testing and assessments .
5 More study needs to be made of garden buildings and structures in later Victorian and Edwardian town gardens , which were often laid out on an elaborate scale and contain interesting features that have been entirely forgotten ; these are in danger of destruction as the gardens of suburban houses are divided up for redevelopment .
6 Studies with an animal model of colitis confirmed the decreased segmenting contractile activity and showed increased giant migrating complexes , which were often associated with defaecation .
7 Early research drew attention to the creation or extension of Royal Forests in the twelfth century , the establishment of Cistercian monasteries also in the twelfth century , and in particular the enclosure of arable land for pasture in the fourteenth , fifteenth and sixteenth centuries , all of which were often accompanied by well-documented evictions of peasants .
8 During our fire-watching , Richard seized every opportunity for private talks with me , which were often interrupted by air-raid warnings .
9 The career of the demagogue John Wilkes aroused political passions fiercer than any seen for half a century , passions which were often rooted in real political idealism .
10 In return she showed them the Daimler and invited forty of them to visit her on the Dockers ' yacht , Shemara , where pink champagne was served amid costly fitments which were often detailed in the newspapers .
11 A large collection of fruit trees in the nursery was used in an attempt to settle standard names for the varieties available , which were often known by different labels in different regions , or even different gardens .
12 Courses were necessary for mainstream teachers , including headteachers , to help them cater for the multilingual population of their schools , and Heads of Modern Languages , who were often given responsibilities for South Asian languages despite the current limitations of their professional competence to foreign European languages , were a prime target for reorientation courses .
13 Female domestic servants , for instance , who were often prevented by householders from having ‘ followers ’ ( which dictated caution , even secrecy when the alternative was dismissal ) , were often very vulnerable to being abandoned .
14 There was no such protection for the spinners , who were often exploited .
15 The Chapel gave men and women who were often denied formal education the inspiration and obligation to serve their fellow citizens in voluntary activities , the Trade Unions and public life .
16 This figure is identified as a demon , but it could be a deity or semi-divine hero , who were often shown with a horned head-dress ( see below p. 146 and fig. 14.28 ) .
17 He was content , however , in the knowledge that this man had only ever been known to serve the Rada Loa , those good spirits who were often associated with Catholic saints when the people felt it necessary to show some respect for the official state religion without compromising their traditional beliefs .
18 These problems resemble those encountered by early second-wave western feminists like Friedan and the National Organization of Women , who were often slammed for trying to improve women 's position within male-oriented spheres of activity , rather than pursuing female-oriented concerns .
19 Richer and poorer peasants connived to hide the indebtedness of the latter , who were often described in the tax returns as relatives or voluntary helpers of the farmer .
20 After church , if it was winter , we went straight home where we were often joined by some of Mum 's old friends , mostly unmarried .
21 The vicar had two sons much about the same age as my brother and myself , so we were often invited into the vicarage to play .
22 It was cold and windy and yet we were often called out for help in the spasmodic raids on South Kensington and Chelsea .
23 We were often hassled by the neighbours and occasionally by the police .
24 The muddle and rush were greater even than at Reading , and we were often kept there for some twenty minutes .
25 They were often seen together in the extensive grounds of Littlecote and also in the lonely alehouses in the sparse villages of the district .
26 An additional comment , raised during the plenary session , was that those from ethnic communities were rarely seen as a positive resource able to offer a new expertise , but that , rather , they were regarded as being doubly disadvantaged in that they were often seen as not being fluent users of English and not being part of the British culture .
27 Not that they were often seen , these days ; a fox might be quite happy to attack a solitary nome , but thirty well-armed , enthusiastic hunters were a different proposition and it would be a very stupid fox indeed that even showed an interest .
28 But that is explained , partly , by the fact that Mike did the negotiations himself and they were often done face to face with Jefferson .
29 Most were based in close physical proximity to each other in the City of London ; they were often related or united by ties of friendship , and had ample opportunity to meet one another informally in coffee houses or elsewhere .
30 Moreover , not very many of their sculptural portraits have survived ( only a few over a hundred for the three centuries after Alexander ) , partly because they were often made of bronze which was readily melted down for re-use .
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