Example sentences of "[pron] which [pron] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 The frenzied living for ourselves which we once used to value so highly now disappears before the far more vital longing to keep company with God in faith , hope and love .
2 issue erm the floor plans erm and procedures to everyone which they still have n't received .
3 In some elusive way , here before me was the representative of something , some enormous sphere of sensations and transcendent values such as I had only read about , something my Maker had withheld from me which I desperately needed .
4 My Lords , before the Noble Lord sits down , perhaps I could ask him to remember , he was saying s how , how splendidly the Lord Chancellor and the Chancellor of the Duchy appointed magistrates and I entirely agree , but they appoint them , not from a list that they 've constructed themselves , they appoint them because the keepers of the roles for respective counties propose names to them which they very carefully er selected by the very special and an an and complicated process of of er of er of of examination of people whose names come forward , I find in my case that only one-third of the people whom I interview for this purpose with my Committee er are the ones which I 've I propose .
5 Douglas was glad to acknowledge Miller 's help and told the Royal Society that he had received some coconuts ‘ germinated in this country by the industrious Mr. Miller , by whose care and skill they were brought to this perfection ; and besides he very freely communicated to me for the good of the publick his own methods in management in raising them which I here desire may be read in his words . ’
6 His stern upbringing may explain an insensitivity to the feelings of others less resilient than himself which he sometimes displayed on the bench , particularly in criminal appeals .
7 They were both hugging me and I was crying the kind of tears which seem to come from a part of you which you never knew you had .
8 The selection test merely served to confirm something which they already knew — in the academic race they were already failures .
9 Those who fail see , at the far end of this room , something which they most wish to see — be it gems and gold , a magical weapon , a religious icon , a powerful Grimoire .
10 The TEC is well equipped to achieve precisely those aims and that is something which we very much hope to see .
11 There is little to be gained in trying out something which one already knows to be inadequate .
12 Perhaps it did express something which she really deeply felt , the sort of fear which she felt .
13 However I must have played with it for that tool set led to Dad 's most embarrassing moment — something which he never ever let me forget .
14 In short , she argues , radical feminism is accusing Freud of not doing something which he never set out to do .
15 But it 's something which you really should bear in mind , because it could be the difference between you getting a press release and , and not getting it in .
16 If others point out to me that I always shirk opportunities to get something which I earnestly insist that I desire more than anything else in the world , I shall be persuaded to relinquish it as an end only if on reflection I am forced to admit to myself that I do not feel about it as strongly as I supposed .
17 I mean one member of the committee has produced something which I rather think you might all like to have a look at it .
18 More designers are going down the locking tuner route and it 's something which I personally welcome ; it does away with that lumpiness at the nut end of the fingerboard and offers up a more traditional look into the bargain .
19 No , it 's too easy to forget that something which I hardly ever think about now was then a very great concern .
20 Erm , well it 's just a seminar about planning at the moment , I shall get further information about it on nearer the time , erm , a change in who would pay our , or get our VAT repayment claim from , does n't change an address basically , and er a request from Sam Stewart , whose erm a Counc , er a County Councillor , er something which I really ca n't actually erm help him with , he wants to know the whole of our Parish Council meetings date for nineteen ninety four , but I mean this is something we fix as we go along , so I really do n't think that I can help him by that , and I 'm sending him that , erm
21 On reaching my eighth birthday , I became eligible to join the Juvenile Section of The Salisbury Public Library , something which I quickly did .
22 Because he 's claiming the car is something which it clearly is not .
23 It was at the very next stage was n't it that you had this switch from a boundary which we could accept to one which we profoundly could not accept ?
24 This was an important first principle , and one which we constantly have to remind ourselves of in days of limited resources .
25 Today the inland Revenue said : Calling in the bailiffs is a serious step and one which we only take when absolutely necessary .
26 They thought in terms of a picture of the universe and of the origin of humankind ( one which we now know to have been in large part mistaken ) , and they interpreted their awareness of God in conjunction with this picture .
27 However the reference has been made to the characteristics of that boundary , and although the authorities would prefer the characteristics of the one which they now propose , they do not say that the characteristics of the tight boundary are ones which are unacceptable .
28 It is a claim additional to this , but one which I also believe to be true , that human conventions , at least beyond a certain state of elaboration , can be understood only with the help of history , and that the social sciences accordingly have an essential historical base .
29 Last season , I had one which I never got a chance to use : - ( .
30 Fortunately I had with me a book of prose exercises that we had used at school , so , at random I chose one which I vaguely remembered .
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