Example sentences of "[pron] had [not/n't] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 if I had n't of been blinded he was out the door
2 If I 'd If I had n't of gone , I 'd of had nothing .
3 Some party , wished I had n't of went .
4 If you if you say something like how far would you of got , if I had n't of called you back
5 What if I had n't of had anything on
6 It … it was full of beer and it flowed over the ribbons and spoilt a hat and the mistress of the room was very angry and told Mama I had n't to be brought back again , so Mama left . ’
7 I had n't to put me head out , I had n't to be seen and just er
8 I had n't till then .
9 There were , of course , the inevitable forms to fill in and letters of condolence to answer , but I realized that I had not for a moment , since before the previous Christmas , given a thought to the prospect of life for one .
10 I had not at that time met any Americans but the sight of them prowling through what was now my favourite town , talking in their unfamiliar accents to anyone who would listen , rubbed me up the wrong way .
11 I had not at that time ever been to India .
12 Smith has been dismissed as ‘ presence of mind Smith ’ from his alleged remark on returning without his companion from a disastrous outing on the river : ‘ If I had not with great presence of mind hit him on the head with a boathook both would have been drowned , ’ but the story comes from Reminiscences of Oxford ( 1st edn. 1900 ) by William Tuckwell , who in his second edition ( 1907 ) consigned it to oblivion ; moreover , there was no charge of murder .
13 I had not till now received word from the queen my mother . ’
14 I had not in those days looked at the real aspects of the drink question — had not seen the responsibility that rests on each one to be guiltless in regard to that which is sapping our country of some of its brightest intellects , and killing numbers of her sons possessed of generous impulsive natures .
15 to get up to the thirty five mile an hour you got ta go through all the five gears so you 're forever pa going like that erm and that made it worse so that last fortnight she has n't been on the bike and that last weekend when she went out she went because we was busy , she got her bike out and she went up to work one or two of her mates and then come home she said she 'd wished she had n't of gone up
16 I said if it , if she had n't of been here today , then yes we would of done , I says , but I 'm not gon na cover up for her !
17 Without anything almost wished she had n't of come
18 well I suppose their motto is , she had a C D ten on her driving licence , I suppose she should n't of had it in the first place so if she had n't of had it , he would n't of got it !
19 I wonder what would of happened if she had n't of died when she did
20 Culturally , too , there were signs that Europe was beginning to be receptive again , as she had not since the sixteenth century .
21 BELVILLE : I have often observed in married folks that the lady soon grows careless in her dress , which to me shows a slight to her husband that she had not to her lover .
22 She had not at first taken it seriously .
23 She had not at all looked forward to being a débutante and wearing fancy women 's clothes , and not being allowed to climb trees , and accompany Papa , who always , said her mama despairingly , let her do exactly as she pleased .
24 In her girls ' school , it was a bit like joining a club — " girls who had on this side , and girls who had n't on that side " .
25 It 's like , girls who had on that side , and girls who had n't on that side , — can I join , kind of thing .
26 At 10.00 a.m. on 28th July , those of Rawn 's men who had n't by now deserted reported that they :
27 These two are in a very small minority of black sportsmen who had not at some stage faced the distressing realization that they were black and so they were different and that difference could significantly limit their chances of access to the kind of resources available to others , prestige , affluence , esteem in the eyes of others .
28 Bobby , who had not until then encountered homosexuality , was left uncertain about Minton 's feelings until one night in the winter of 1946 — 7 when he accompanied Minton and Keith Vaughan to the Café Royal .
29 The Christians called ‘ pagans ’ those who had not in baptism enlisted in Christ 's militia for the battle against satanic idolatry and superstition .
30 Nicolo was there , standing just where Bob Calder had indicated , the only person who had not in any way acknowledged her presence .
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