Example sentences of "[pron] had [prep] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 I had for too long been conscious only of my own concerns , but now I became aware that those around me were troubled and at odds .
2 The government 's Chief Medical Officer , Dr Henry Yellowlees , was the son of a distinguished psychiatrist , whom I had on more than one occasion retained as an adviser in private practice .
3 If I had to just put put it out and nothing else I would n't mind .
4 When I started I had to right back to the very beginning and start from three letter words .
5 Finding things the reverse , at first I had to consciously think switch down for slow down .
6 I had to consciously tell myself what I was going in for and not to use the trip downstairs as an excuse to have a ‘ little ’ rest on the sofa after my thirty-four minutes of hard work .
7 I had to eventually sort it out after a few sorta threats off the bank .
8 ‘ It was like a scene in some stricken Bosnian town where people were scavaging for food , ’ said Bernie today , ‘ Demand is just unbelievable — I had to eventually leave my own telephone off the hook at midnight in order to get some sleep .
9 I had to practically draft the report myself ! ’
10 I had to practically bite my knuckles to keep my hands off you for the last three weeks , and I did it because of your innocence !
11 We had to pay , I did my arm in and I had to damn well pay
12 I 've personally had problems with one doctor cos he was out of date , he was n't you know , was n't aware of some of the treatments and I had to actually enlighten him to some of the the treatments that was available for people !
13 Although all my aids had to work in unison , I had to really concentrate on being able to work them independently of each other .
14 I , I had to really stop meself .
15 And that was a sort of a last minute cancellation , and I had to really persuade her to go .
16 If I had to personally choose from the combos available in this price range then I really ca n't think of anything that offers better solid state and valve sounds than this , with such an obvious stamp of credibility into the bargain .
17 I remember feeling really happy when I was told I had at least six or seven years to live .
18 Feeling pleased that I had at least negotiated the day 's essentials , and the afternoon being well advanced , I thought it would be good to have a more leisurely look round Wenceslas Square and find somewhere to eat .
19 This was due , no doubt , to the fact that though I motored further and further from the house , I continued to find myself in surroundings with which I had at least a passing acquaintance .
20 I reckoned that I had at least one brigade of white cells on the start line with other brigades available as required .
21 I would want someone that was on my wavelength , roughly my age , preferably a supporter , and I would n't sign anything until I had at least a serious gentleman 's agreement that nothing could be issued without the artist 's agreement .
22 I had hardly even drawn before ; my attempts were inept , but I fumbled on until I had at least mastered the proportions of the human body ’ .
23 I had by now recovered my scattered senses and after finishing off my enjoyable meal of pie and peas and my second pint , I thanked my kind new-found friends and left the hospitable Railway bar to walk back down to where my trusty old Morris Minor was parked .
24 that I had in there ?
25 In that collapse , the European Social Democratic parties , which had for so long bravely vowed to prevent war between their respective States , lined up with the belligerents ; the second International collapsed , another casualty of the trenches of northern France .
26 A disciplined , regular army was about to drive the gunmen from streets which had for so long been ruled by rival guerrillas exacting their own terrible day-to-day justice .
27 Fortunately , the answer lay close at hand , in that sense of the redeeming power of personal example which had for so long been part of the mental furniture of the British middle classes .
28 The belief in Britain 's power to do good in the world , which had for so long underpinned popular internationalism , no longer seemed tenable .
29 The London theatres , which had for so long been a particular thorn in the side of Puritan moralists such as William Prynne , were closed down at the outbreak of the civil war and remained shut until the Restoration .
30 Charles II took a personal interest it , matters relating to mining and it is reported that he united the old Mines Royal and the Soc. of Mineral & Battery Works which had for so long run as separate enterprises .
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