Example sentences of "[pron] had [verb] they " in BNC.

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1 They had done so the first time they got water for me and I had assumed they would continue .
2 Meanwhile , Gower , who will be in India this winter commentating for BSkyB , last night changed his position on the protest , saying : ‘ I had hoped they might drop this before it got to the full meeting .
3 But my children were as amazed at this strange petrel with its eerie call as I had hoped they would be .
4 As soon as I had gone they were back .
5 I lay on his bed later and strove to want him , strove to feel even a faint shadow of the sensations that had always engulfed me before , when I had known they must be frustrated .
6 I was wearing a shirt of green silk loose round the wrists and my green linen culottes — I had found they creased less than a skirt when sitting in a coach .
7 To throw over that stability she had insisted they must have .
8 ( It was suggested later that she had insisted they go . )
9 She had assumed they were going to his friend 's colourful flat but they had been on the motorway for several miles and the road signs said they were travelling north .
10 Despite all the sparks they had struck off one another she had felt they were forging a deep friendship based on mutual respect and acknowledgement of each other 's special qualities .
11 She ached with sympathy for him , and if this had been Christmas , or any time in those months when she had felt they were friends , she would have pulled him into her arms and soothed him with soft hands and whispered words .
12 Well , she had guessed they would , so why was it upsetting her ?
13 The inevitable course for them both had been clear tonight ; if she had stayed they would have made love again — there had been no question about it .
14 The children had stood for a moment , awestruck in the hall , as she had hoped they might , amazed at the broad stone staircase , the hanging lantern and the dark portraits of who ?
15 And she had to admit they were right .
16 She had known they were n't going to make love the moment the sound of that door being either opened or closed had penetrated , and flooding in had come the memory that she was Mr and Mrs Hepwood 's guest .
17 She had thought they 'd be more of a bottle .
18 For a long time she had thought they referred to a mother and a female baby bear .
19 It seemed to come from another world of reference , an older , ordinary world , of platitude and cliché , of pattern and familiar family ties , a world that she had thought they had never entered , for many good reasons never entered : and now here was Charles himself , invoking its terms , as though it had been there always , as though they had always inhabited its domain .
20 Instead , she had pushed the memories into a dark cupboard in the very farthest corner of her mind , and she had thought they were safely locked away , only now Julius had found the key and he was opening the cupboard .
21 But she had thought they would still have tonight .
22 She had thought they could have fruit for dessert but the bananas looked a bit black and sorry , and there were only two ( bruised ) peaches left .
23 While longing and longing for their arrival , she had feared they would seem larger than life in the sedate village .
24 And now they were in town , and she had to assume they were after her .
25 His revelations amazed the investigators who had believed they were dealing with a limited case .
26 People who had said — during another part of the interview — that they preferred the smallest possible individual instalments turned out to be just as likely to switch to a shorter repayment schedule ( given lower APR and credit costs ) as people who had said they preferred the shortest possible repayment schedule .
27 Once again , however , he discovered he had struck a chord with ordinary people , people who had felt they were unfit to pass judgement on modern buildings because they lacked the qualifications .
28 I could n't go on living in a place where I was no use , ’ she spoke with the quietness and desperate authority of someone who had discovered they could give up no more ground and live .
29 Dinner was exquisite , even though they ate it in the somewhat strained silence of two people who had discovered they had absolutely nothing to say to each other .
30 The organising committee took four hours to announce the seedings and draw order , much of the time being taken up trying to persuade West Germany , who had assumed they were going to Verona , to switch to Milan at the last moment .
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