Example sentences of "[pron] had was a " in BNC.

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1 All I had was a testimonial from Harold Fletcher of G.C.H.Q. , which was no testimonial in that it gave a potential employer absolutely no enlightenment because it could not do so :
2 All I had was a promise of a pair of boots from Jack Riordon , a quartermaster in the Green Howards Regiment .
3 The card I had was a 2,400bps ( bits per second ) data modem , and a 9,600bps Class 2 fax modem .
4 I did n't have a protective big brother : all I had was a small sister .
5 Last night , , this Sunday , all I had was a banana at lunchtime , had n't eaten all day or drunk , I had two glasses of water
6 All she had was a yearning for everything that was out there beyond her knowledge .
7 Some of the others would have to be rewired ; some would never be rewired again , but all she had was a headache .
8 When he first started , you see , all you had was a fly safe .
9 The only furniture we had was a few tables and chairs . ’
10 Here what we had was a case of the supreme court , well I 'll say more about this later , but the supreme court declaring segregation by race to be unconstitutional and requiring that these decisions be recognized and enforced by relevant authorities .
11 the most valuable single book we had was a late eighteenth-century volume with a rare and secret feature .
12 The last three worked passably ; the March car he had was a fiasco .
13 What he had was a pampered , spoilt brat whose only interest in life was lipstick and what was on at the pictures .
14 When he had seen it being done by publicans a mallet and a stake had been used , but all he had was a rusty bracket .
15 Previously the only vehicle he had was a car llusg — a slide-car , one of the most primitive vehicles used in animal traction .
16 what he had , what he had was a biggish lorry with a low
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