Example sentences of "[pron] had not the " in BNC.

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1 Facilities for homeless people are of course open only at certain times of the day and I had n't the money to go anywhere else .
2 But it was absolutely clear to me then that I had n't the political antennae , the political flair .
3 I had n't the remotest idea , but I followed the little rails which were used by the tiny railway to carry food up to the dining rooms …
4 I 've done my own cleaning ready for Christmas which I had n't the energy for in the spring and my husband and I walk about 3–4 miles every day .
5 ‘ For a long time , ’ replied Ray , ‘ I had n't the faintest idea .
6 Malc was furious , especially when I admitted that I had n't the heart to charge the old dear , so we were two quid out of pocket .
7 ‘ But by then I had been her slave nearly all my life and I had n't the courage or the guts to say no .
8 I had n't the faintest idea who he was , but he looked jolly .
9 I had n't the first idea what she meant .
10 I just gave in , I had n't the strength to resist them .
11 After a few days , nine or ten , I wondered if it would aid things to pay a visit to Scotland , but I had n't the purpose for it , let alone the money .
12 I had n't the least idea where on the head was the best place to hit or how hard it had to be .
13 Honestly , I had n't the slightest idea what I was going to say as I walked up to you .
14 That was bad enough but what made it worse was that I had n't the faintest idea what was wrong with them .
15 But I had n't the heart .
16 Driving home in the minibus , she offered Silas an apologetic smile as she admitted , ‘ I had n't the heart to throw them out . ’
17 He said I was just covering up for the fact that I had n't the faintest idea of what was wrong . ’
18 and I had n't the heart to tell
19 I had not the first notion of mechanics , but you with your capable hands worked on the machine until , after running with it , pushing it along , we were able to make the engine tick over again .
20 I went to Croke Park and I had not the slightest interest in Protestantism but I did come from a Fermanagh family where you did live cheek by jowl with republicanism so I had imbibed it undoubtedly and it resurfaced , the inherited knowledge of the heart of the controversy in Ulster .
21 ‘ I early found that I had not the literary ability to give me such a place among English authors as I should have desired ; but I thought that I had an opportunity of gaining a knowledge of many of the distinguished men of the age , and that I might do some good by keeping a record of my interviews with them . ’
22 Until recently when I went to a conference on security in libraries and other collections I had not the slightest knowledge of the seamy side of that world or any idea that it had one .
23 My famished brain kept throwing up the same line , and I had not the strength to control it , even though I knew it was wrong : Cymbeline Ghost-relic has returned from the Other Side :
24 McAllister , who had put the doll down , and was now fetching out her work basket to embroider pansies on some fine lawn dresses made for the bazaar by the aforesaid ladies , said , ‘ I did n't mean to become involved , you know , but Matey has been so kind to me — when not slave-driving me , you understand — that when she asked me to accompany her I had not the heart to refuse , and strangely , after I began to work for the bazaar , I found that it was most rewarding . ’
25 I had not the slightest inkling that they would emerge , which is why " emerge " is the right word .
26 But she had n't the patience for that .
27 Berthe Weill protested that she could not leave the gallery for the moment , she had n't the time , there were all the guests to look after .
28 Whatever it was , she could do nothing about it herself , since she had n't the remotest idea what went on under the bonnet of the Renault .
29 Actually , there was a footpath through Wardle Wood from near her village , and if she had dared to go along it she could have walked to Brownies in not much more time than it took her to ride by way of the long winding lane ; but she was sure she had n't the courage to go through the witch 's wood by herself .
30 Yet she had n't the heart to forbid him to smoke when he had so few comforts left .
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