Example sentences of "[pron] they would [adv] " in BNC.

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1 All the parties concerned gained publicity which they would probably not have achieved otherwise .
2 He has certainly demonstrated that he is a ‘ draw ’ : there must already be some 250 Conservative MPs in his debt for turning out an audience at least double that which they would otherwise have been able to collect .
3 The new Germany was to bind Prussia in and neutralise her : it was to accord a security to the other states which they would otherwise have lacked .
4 Thirdly , by raising the level of wages above that at which they would otherwise be , the trade union movement bears a major responsibility for the high and increasing level of unemployment in the U K today .
5 This suggests that some system of control must be introduced if farmers are to be persuaded to retain the wildlife habitats or landscape features which they would otherwise destroy .
6 There was a fear that as such centres were validated , local colleges would see a reduction in the number of students which they would otherwise have expected to attract .
7 This is the Government who have stopped pensioners getting an annual increase in line with Community living standards , a deliberate act of policy in 1980 , which cumulatively so far — according to a parliamentary answer to me on 25 November last — has removed from pensioners £31.8 billion of improved pensions which they would otherwise have had .
8 to offer to the holders of ordinary shares of £1 each in the capital of the Company ( ‘ Ordinary Shares ’ ) the right to elect to receive an allotment of new Ordinary Shares , credited as fully paid , in lieu of all or part of the final cash dividend in respect of the financial year of the Company ended on 31st March 1993 in all respects in such manner as may be determined by the directors on the basis and subject to the conditions of the circular dated 21st June 1993 sent to the members of the Company by the Company and , in particular , such that the aggregate nominal value of the new Ordinary Shares which such holders may elect to receive may exceed the aggregate cash dividend which they would otherwise be entitled to receive ; and
9 This was not uncommon in some mining districts and even existed in the craft trade of hat making , the artisans who took in their wives to pick the coarse hairs from their material saving the 6 to 9s ( 30-45p ) a week which they would otherwise have had to pay from their wage .
10 Mr Faulks said of the application for the house loan : ‘ What we say he was doing here is , being unable to obtain loans in any other way , he is pretending to be selling his house to this fictitious person in order to get the bank to give him £43,000 on the strength of his house which they would otherwise not have given him . ’
11 Here and there a regular path of some animal helped them but it rarely ran in one direction for long and they were unwilling to lose contact with the water which they would eventually have to cross .
12 It would move councils towards a ‘ sensible pattern of rents ’ , in which they would generally be lower in parts of the country where the value of houses and flats was lower , and higher where the values were relatively high .
13 When the emperor took his turn at dinner pouring the tea , an unimaginable reversal of protocol , his awestruck fellow-travellers tapped the table to signify the kow-tows of abasement which they would ordinarily have been performing before him .
14 They continue to grow well beyond the size at which they would normally change shape and become as big , if not bigger , than the land-living form .
15 At the appropriate times of the year , caged migrant birds regularly hop in the direction relative to the sun in which they would normally migrate .
16 Already , too , one may see the start of a symbiotic relationship in which France would increasingly depend upon American resources to achieve purposes which , left to herself , would be beyond her , while American objectives , although they did not entirely coincide with the French and for all the power which they would ultimately deploy , had to include France as a frail but , for the moment , indispensable means by which they might be attained .
17 ‘ They had talked openly of their respective marital difficulties at Sandringham last Christmas , although the Duchess insists that they did not make a pact by which they would both end their marriages this year . ’
18 If anthropologists from centres of learning in New Guinea or the Congo were to turn the tables on us and publish studies of the behaviour patterns found among the English-speaking peoples of Great Britain and the United States , one phenomenon to which they would surely pay special attention would be the cult of Child Psychology .
19 In this prologue we discuss some of the questions which few beginners seem to have the courage to ask and yet to which they would surely like some kind of answer .
20 There they would gut the seals and render their oil , which they would later store in the stomachs and bladders of sea lions .
21 None the less , it seems likely that the course of studies was so arranged that the students would pass through the same grades of medreses as those in which they would later teach : such would in any case seem to have been the practice in later times .
22 Jobbers often faced one-way markets in which they would either have to buy a greater number of shares than they had sold ( go ‘ long ’ ) or they had bought ( go ‘ short ’ ) .
23 Beneath the surface of this gentle evening a complex and never-ending game , which had something in it of a duel , was being played , the players swimming in their milieu like fish , at different levels which they would occasionally switch , to make an attack or to retreat , to seize prey or to threaten .
24 As an age-group , a stage of life , adolescents stood , clearly visible , defined and itemized , the embodiment of so many of the tensions and contradictions peculiar to the period , without which they would never have been ‘ discovered ’ .
25 That three and a half years changed my life completely and set my feet on paths which they would never have taken if the war had not occurred .
26 Human trainers of all species appreciate the differing capacity of creatures to respond to training and sometimes to perform antics which they would never perform in the wild , though these are never completely outside their basic behavioural repertoire .
27 The political feasibility of dangling before Indians a prize at which they might gaze but which they would never grasp was assured , Irwin told Salisbury , by the fact that Indians in their heart of hearts knew they would always need British administrators to guide them .
28 In addition to lack of choice the public tolerated standards of service which they would never dream of tolerating in the private sector .
29 The six sat round the table in the kitchen , with an assortment of take-aways , which they had brought in separately and which they would now consume together : pizzas , and fish and chips , and pies .
30 Although the interviewer stressed that this was a hypothetical situation , in which they would really need to borrow money , 26 per cent spontaneously said that they would on no account even consider borrowing money .
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