Example sentences of "[pron] they were [verb] " in BNC.

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1 And I they were addressed to him and they were from the council and I simply said , er wrote on the outside erm no longer here , address not known .
2 No no they went the other way I they were walking that way I was walking along the grass yeah .
3 Around 25 per cent of those gathered will be distracted anyway ; they may be upset by their home situation ; concerned by some event which occurred on their way in ; confused by the absence of someone they were expecting to see .
4 The fibres are then spun , either by hand or machine , into a continuous threads , in the opposite direction to which they were spun , to form the yarn .
5 But he did not like leaving England , even in the winter , and , among the American tourists of Barbados , they soon felt homesick : Eliot was convinced , too , that the manager of the hotel in which they were staying was trying to exploit his presence there .
6 During the late sixties and early seventies the mining companies brought shortlived booms to the areas in which they were operating , before heading off for other prospects , leaving their wastes and miners behind them .
7 A lower proportion of their clients receive one of the three main services for which they were referred .
8 Chuck hesitated and peered out at the teeming streets of Cholon , which they were entering .
9 Maine considered that laws inevitably bore the stamp of the social conditions within which they were enacted and applied , so the best way to discover the course of social evolution was to examine the changing character of legal codes .
10 They scarcely resemble the order of dragonflies after which they were named .
11 Despite the chaotic and inconsistent way in which they were applied to Poland , they had , on balance , an ultimately positive effect .
12 A second way of looking at coins is to examine the denominations in which they were made .
13 In this brief scanning of national efforts , the reasons for success or failure , the political-economic conditions under which they were made , and the technical details of conservation practices are only briefly mentioned .
14 Even specific changes which are beneficial at the educational level may be regarded with suspicion because of the political context in which they were made .
15 The alloy of which they were made age-hardened quickly at normal temperatures , and all rivets had to be chilled before use .
16 The Commission emphasised in its decision that the selective nature of the price cuts , and the circumstances in which they were made , amounted to ‘ loss leader ’ tactics making it impossible for the much smaller competitor in the market place to stay in business .
17 As with all claims made by competing groups for the objective nature of their own discourse , those made by the Royal Society are tainted by the contingencies of the world in which they were made .
18 Even today excavation reports treat artefacts as separate entities neatly divided up according to material from which they were made , i.e. gold , silver , lead , bronze , tin , iron , ivory , bone , jet , shale , stone , then followed by coins , samian decorated , samian plain , samian stamps , amphora stamps , mortaria stamps and coarse wares .
19 It seems extraordinary to today 's parents in England and the United States that women of the twenties and thirties should have been prepared to accept either the content of these pronouncements or the authoritarian tone in which they were made ; yet accepted they were , in that innumerable women made valiant efforts to stifle their natural desire to cuddle their babies and to feed them when they were hungry , or were wracked with guilt and shame when they ‘ mawkishly ’ rocked the child or sentimentally eased his stomach pangs in the small hours with a contraband couple of ounces .
20 French Aubusson and Savonnerie carpets of the 17th and 18th centuries , for example , followed the Baroque and Rococo elegance of the time with their bright colours and floral opulence , and it was not uncommon for 18th-century carpets to echo the ceiling designs of the rooms for which they were made .
21 Yet they are commonly sited in dark and inaccessible places , and we really do not know how often , if at all , they were generally seen , within the period and culture in which they were made .
22 They know very well from their reading of Hansard , and because they were present during the Committee stage , the assurances given and the spirit in which they were made .
23 The immediate impact of the decisions and the context in which they were made belong to the realm of government .
24 This offered clues about the process by which they were made .
25 many of the children came from homes where the houses were decent , where the wages were good , and where , apparently , the state of the children was not due to any real defect in the conditions under which they were living but simply to the heedlessness , the shiftlessness , the carelessness and the ignorance of the mothers .
26 To stay in existence , each of these communities must constantly remind us and themselves , of the violence through which they were subjugated in the first place .
27 De Chavigny still had an unrivalled reputation for the quality of stones used in its jewellery designs , and for the perfection and artistry with which they were cut and set .
28 Methodological principles need to be discussed at the rather abstract level at which they were presented in the preceding chapters ; otherwise it is not always easy to assess the applicability of a set of methods to a new research context .
29 Now that pre-Martin Levins are being rediscovered , as are their players ( Folk Roots ' top 30 features two re-released CDs of the Incredible String Band 's early albums ) , Goliaths are presently pushing a £500 asking price and will certainly appreciate as the woods from which they were crafted disappear and their distinct acoustic tone becomes more eagerly sought by the Washburn weary and the Takamine troubadours .
30 They consulted their street map but , before they could work out their route , the little girl told them that they had to go down the hill , over the bridge , past another church , turn to the right and they would come to the church for which they were looking .
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