Example sentences of "[pron] from [noun sg] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 But in certain circumstances , the defendant may exculpate himself from liability either by raising doubts as to whether he had such an intention or awareness , or by establishing on a balance of probabilities the defence that he lacked mens rea .
2 Its effect , as you will have read earlier in the book , is to protect you from ill-health rather than cause it .
3 " Your chapeau does n't look as pretty as your mother 's but it will save you from sunstroke just as effectively . "
4 Me , the loner , the person who had rebuffed everything from confirmation onwards , was now being offered the laying-on of hands .
5 I do n't think it 'll save me from suspension though . ’
6 It has been tough going , finding out things about myself which were buried deep but with ministry from the leaders and looking to God for answers I believe he has healed not only my drug problem but has cleansed me from sin so that I feel clean .
7 Girls from orthodox Muslim and Sikh families feel this most strongly ; they also fear that through some misunderstanding their parents might try to withdraw them from school altogether , cutting off their lifeline to the outside world .
8 Answering machine winks cheerfully , but it is only Mrs Body excusing herself from work tomorrow because of the funeral .
9 Overwhelmed by not having noticed this earlier , by his failure of politeness , observation and helpfulness , all that had been taught him from boyhood up , Richard proceeded at the double onto the Embankment , to escort her on to Lord Jim .
10 Could n't believe any difference of him from Christmas when he did n't say anything
11 Having her daughter has not stopped her from doing more or less what she had planned , but has spurred her on to better results .
12 In capture theories more possibilities open up : the Moon could have suffered its late heavy bombardment as it tumbled through space before capture ; it could have suffered it from debris already in orbit around the Earth or the large basins alone could have arisen from such debris ; or it could have been bombarded by material which entered the Earth-Moon system after the Earth had captured the Moon .
13 Well you did n't see it from back there Well there 's an ambulance .
14 Shock , but after a while their limbs 'll start trembling and they become very confused , now a person , a perfectly nice person , oh , you know , always very helpful and kind can suddenly become aggressive and they really do become aggressive and , if they go to violence their strength , oh where they get it from god only knows , but they could literally throw a person across the room .
15 People tend to do , well we 'll do it from minus well we 'll do it from minus ten to plus ten there .
16 President Randy Mueller , the all-American boy who had made it from right here in his little ole home town of Detroit .
17 I do n't really keep in touch with anyone from prison now .
18 While militarily strong and able to protect themselves from threat both from without and within Egypt , the mamluks were inefficient rulers , and , though they left some magnificent architecture , by the later thirteenth century there was a series of revolts , plagues and famines .
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