Example sentences of "[pron] but i just " in BNC.

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1 Oh yeah , yeah but I , I but I just thought so I , so I , so I , so I said to him well I , if it was me I 'd just write back and say thanks , yes I 'll come actually , thank you very much
2 I would like to have it very much because music is one of the great pleasures in life to me but I just have nowhere to put it at the moment .
3 I do n't want to be tied , I want to leave my options free so that I can do whatever I want , I do n't need the extra responsibility , I mean I 'd like them but I just , I want my career first .
4 ‘ I 'm mad because I had the money for them but I just could n't get time to shop with the hours we 've been working . ’
5 ‘ I did n't think we had any chance of catching him but I just kept shoving and shouting and he got there in the end , ’ said Antoinette .
6 That 's what I he did agree to it when I I mentioned it to him but I just ha I want to check if he 's doing one tomorrow , cos if he 's doing one tomorrow it might be tomorrow morning so I 'll have
7 And then they say , Well the guy he 's next door I do n't know him but I just thought I 'd put him on .
8 Yeah I was really attracted to him but I just could not speak to him , it was awful , and like there used to be awful pauses and you 'd just go er right we 'd better get off with each other again because you ca n't bear the silence , it 's too uncomfortable so you used to , and then you go oh shit better get off with him again , it 's awful , he 's and he used to have such a , no personality at all .
9 There was obviously some sort of sexual element to it but I just did n't know what to do next and expected this man , who was about two or three years older than me , to , in some way , tell me or indicate to me and so I followed him without talking to him .
10 You know which I I i wa , I was n't totally embarrassed about it but I just we , I think she was , you know , that sort of generation and that era , which I hope with my son it will be totally different , like come to me and say anything you like , you know ?
11 I could remember it but I just could n't say now whether the police were stopped in their tracks .
12 and she goes why , I goes well every time I got , when I went out the other night and when I come in the other night there was Helena with her arms round Andrew , so it 's not that I , I 'm worried about it but I just think it 's a bit tarty of her cos she 's fancies the pants off Pete and as soon as my back 's turned and Pete is n't there she 's all over Andrew .
13 She said but I 'm not gon na do anything about it but I just think he 's nice .
14 ‘ It 's not that I do n't want to say anything but I just do n't know what to say , ’ John Ryan , the Welsh coach , sighed .
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