Example sentences of "[pron] they know [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Fifty-six per cent of these men lost their virginity to somebody they knew well ; for 14% , the partner was someone they had just met .
2 Producers will usually only meet pluggers who they know already , and rarely see any band 's representative because they are probably far too close to the music to have any objectivity .
3 Time after time , people would slowly open a drawer and give me something they knew perfectly well they 'd had all the time I 'd been visiting them and talking to them , but the moment was now right .
4 The number of people whom they knew personally in Berlin could have been counted on the fingers of one hand .
5 The war underlined the Unionist belief in the patriotism of the British people and their belief in the failings of the Liberals , but for themselves it merely confirmed what they knew already .
6 What is more , at this stage they were concentrating on what they knew best , namely the heat measurements , and were giving little attention to nuclear effects , though some search for tritium — which can be done by a chemical process — was made on a 1 mm rod that produced heat .
7 They are unfortunately exceeded in number by the famous names of the past who clung to what they knew best without being prepared to adapt or change , and slowly but inexorably saw their business disappearing beneath them .
8 Do they draw what they know rather than what they see ?
9 In general , what people find most stimulating and most attractive is a bit different but not too different from what they know already .
10 Because they have seen the future they can not or will not speak of what they know so the Phoenix Guard are a silent order , pledged not to allow a single word to pass their lips in all the time they spend as guardians of the shrine .
11 I do n't think it 's too much to say that erm , if they knew now what er , if they knew now what er , they know then what they know now , they 'd probably never have embarked upon er , upon the project .
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