Example sentences of "[pron] they [vb base] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 They still work I they 've got there used to be one man er employed to erm give these er boats water , fresh water drinking water
2 I mean I they 've got a , a stall on the market , I 've seen something on the market on that stall , but they 've not got it in their size and they 'll say to you , ooh , go over to the shop , you know , and you go over
3 Of course the majority of people who volunteer do so because someone they know has asked them and this avenue should not be ignored .
4 ‘ One of the most frustrating things for the police is to see someone they have spent weeks tracking down released on bail and subsequently re-offending .
5 ‘ Everyone always feels bad when someone they love dies .
6 That way Brian 's had his they 've got their
7 they 've bought theirs they 've made it beautiful .
8 But listen Inverdarroch , talkin aboot toilet arrangements guess whit they 've done .
9 There h have been cases where the person 's back muscles have pulled up so tight that their they 've formed an arch .
10 No they were , that 's what they were were n't it when it all happened , the old Revered somebody or other , they wilful murder but erm yeah basically it does n't seem like , there was no real evidence as to who erm fired first and there was no conclusion that the about that , but they were certainly I R A gunmen , para 's , its like without a doubt if you know some people , but like with those high powered weapons they may , alright its unfortunately that somebody may have got shot , but it may not of been the main shot , that may , may of been a ricochet or , or anything like that , both their they 've got a killing range of up to three mile so one mate come round , he says he 's gon na come round again tomorrow and have a look at it
11 Where Amy 's going or you 've got to go there and you think of the positive When 's their they 've had their open day or is there another one ?
12 According to this , the meaning of words and statements lies in the psychological states ( including long standing dispositions ) which they combine to produce in hearers and to be caused by in speakers .
13 One can imagine someone in a room looking at a beautiful painting , drinking in the details and the way in which they combine to constitute the lovely whole , and there being nothing beyond this observer and the object of his contemplation .
14 It provides them with the chance to be ‘ centre stage ’ and thus profoundly influence the delivery of care to mentally disordered people , and voluntary organizations have the additional advantage that they need only expand at their own pace , developing those areas which they know have the greatest need .
15 Some donors might have great works of art which they 've lost interest in , or that belonged to their father or their grandfather .
16 So much happening here at the moment as the ball was followed up by David he looked at the referee as er challenge him for the er shove inside the penalty area but the referee was unimpressed by that , Blackburn have already got one penalty here tonight from which they 've scored , Shrewsbury have scored from a penalty too and it 's the third division side still in the lead here by three goals to two .
17 Otherwise there 's going to be chaos there if they do n't stop now and look within themselves instead of all of this interfering in other countries which they 've done in the past .
18 or which is one which they 've done in there , is take a specific dream which they 've had which is vivid to them
19 So there 's no water shortage as such , sometimes you get the water problems when you get out in the sticks somewhere you 'll , you , you do have problems , but all fire officers are trained to search their areas and have special cards er which they 've done their research on , where the water supplies are , like ponds and lakes and so on , and that information is readily available when they turn out these areas so that a fire crew going out there , your nearest water supply is a pond at and certain area and they 've got that you see .
20 Er , I know I 've made some mistakes which they 've missed and I 've managed to put those right as I went on .
21 Remember that we , we sent er ten pounds to the area committee , which they 've said , thank you very much indeed , erm for , and , and there 's a meeting erm next in June , which is their next meeting .
22 Yes Chairer er I think Vince 's report is a very fair summary of the er the the issues which face us erm truth is , is what we 've been as in this proposed consortium which no doubt will go through with it 's most of the reforms of the N H S despite the er consultation mechanism which they 've gone through you know , but largely these are beforehand given the unaccountable of the N H S management !
23 The management committee have been very impressed with Llansantffraid and the way in which they 've gone about their improvements .
24 I I simply , I simply want er er a direct message from from the programme which is going on Chairman incidentally I I note that Nottinghamshire County Council erm has found a a and the Labour group there has found it necessary to tackle just the same problems erm in elderly persons homes and that I understand that they have a a closure list of seven , now presumably that has been drawn up from a long list of a lot more than seven , say fourteen or fifteen from which they 've made their final choice .
25 This government is actually cutting back on everything here just so that the French farmers and the mafia can live in the manner to which they 've become accustomed , Douglas .
26 Can I say first of all that er I support the general approach which has been adopted by Yorkshire County Council and the the other local authorities in the Greater York area , on the way in which they 've formulated their proposals for the York greenbelt after a fairly long erm and exhausting process , the question to which I want to address my comments first of all is whether the new settlement is an appropriate and justified planning response , and what I would like to do if I may is look at some of the reasons that have been raised erm in objection to the new settlement as a strategy , erm these issues have been raised by Hambledon District , York City Council , the C P R E , Montague Evans , in their written submissions to the examination of the .
27 If we 've got to close homes , let's close them but make sure the homes that 's left are warm welcoming and give these people the dignity and the independence to which they are entitled to which they 've earned and which they thoroughly deserve .
28 In terms of erm , return to work , er , we also er have been very good , I think , in the sense that we now offer the twenty-five per cent bonus er , after pregnancy , do n't get me wrong on that , er , what happens is , people are actually recompensed , given back the money which they 've sacrificed because they 've been away from work for six months , and they get is back over the next two years .
29 I was working and all of a sudden and one the woman began to sing Rock of Ages in a loud voice and then the man joined in and I sort of thought I heard sort of and I thought oh , they 've got a bottle which they 've taken out of their pockets which they were passing from side to side .
30 Er Selby have as I und as I can see it today , failed to establish any need for the bid for two hundred two hundred and fifty hectares which they 've put forward .
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