Example sentences of "[pron] they [vb past] [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 At first , they wondered whether they had made contact with an alien civilization ; indeed , I remember that the seminar room in which they announced their discovery was decorated with figures of ‘ little green men . ’
2 Indeed , at the seminar at which they announced their discovery , I remember that they called the first four sources to be found LGM 1–4 , LGM standing for " Little Green Men . "
3 The sample of groups used by Collier and Rosaldo , upon which they constructed their model , skewed the data ; for they were all peoples who place immense value upon' Man the Hunter and Warrior' , and who also elaborate ritually upon the violent , destructive , and fertile potential in men .
4 Scientists used their own society as the model from which they formulated their ideas , which in turn justified the position of women as they found it .
5 Their front was protected by the Glen , and the foothills in which they deployed their forces , low though they lay , were well-grown with bushes and clumps of trees almost to the waterside , and afforded a clear field of vision before them .
6 " The Wonders " or " Marvels " was the basic guide book , immensely popular , which everybody read and to which they added their own impressions .
7 By marriage they inherited more land and a mansion on the banks of the River Ayr at Stair , from which they took their title .
8 ( University of Edinburgh , Department of Molecular Biology ) Details of a scheme to help students find good PhD projects in departments other than that in which they took their first degrees .
9 Who among them caught the badgers and squirrels from which they made their fine paint brushes ?
10 The curfew was lifted on April 9 , and on the same day the opposition groups had a meeting with the King in which they affirmed their commitment to the establishment of " full democracy " .
11 Most Liberal MPs , except Lloyd George and his family clan , joined the National government and supported it after its general election success in October 1931 from which they improved their position .
12 Yet savers will still profit from the bull market as beneficiaries of the pension funds to which they sold their shares .
13 Some of the Champagne houses which make a point of declaring they never use vins de taille in their own products have purchased ready-made Champagnes from the very houses to which they sold their vins de taille in the first place .
14 The soldiers of the artillery train had panicked and cut the traces of their horses , after which they overturned their guns and caissons to create barricades .
15 To them she was more than a mass of steel and wood ; she had moods and feelings which they understood and to which they fitted their own .
16 They were the only source of direct involvement for the rank and file as the channel through which they expressed their demands and discontent .
17 Peter Bourne recounts how Carlos Rafael Rodriguez , visiting Moscow in December 1962 to negotiate an economic agreement for the following year , had lengthy private meetings with Khrushchev and Mikoian , at which they expressed their surprise at Fidel 's reaction and gave assurance that there had been no intention to offend him .
18 Trinidad was represented at the summit by Sahadeo Basdeo , Minister of External Affairs and International Trade , and at a pre-summit meeting on July 30 the assembled heads of government issued a statement in which they expressed their " unequivocal condemnation " of the coup attempt .
19 As a compromise , on 4 March the British , French and United States governments issued a joint Note in which they expressed their rejection of the Franco regime and urged Spain to seek democratic government .
20 Other exhibits to be added to the collection include books from the library of Lloyd George 's father William and an illuminated scroll presented to Lloyd George by his Caernarfon Borough constituents in 1913 in which they expressed their total confidence and trust in him .
21 The recent letter of intent signed by AT&T and Novell in which they revealed their plans for AT&T to sell Unix System Laboratories ( the home of System V Unix ) is of enormous importance .
22 For those who claimed to have had this experience , the exemplary manner in which they met their death was the ultimate proof they were indeed saved .
23 These oligarchies were , however , powerful and one of the most significant developments in English urban history at this time was the way in which they consolidated their control over town government .
24 Time and again her paintings demonstrated an alternative to the brink which they sensed his were heading for .
25 Twenty-four years later , Pat Pottle and Michael Randle published a book entitled The Blake Escape : How We Freed George Blake and Why in which they admitted their part in the escape .
26 To which they gave their best
27 Haworth and his colleagues managed to obtain larger quantities from Hungarian paprika , from which they established its sugar-like structure and completed the synthesis .
28 Herzen believed that the reputation of the courts suffered more from the way in which they transacted their business than from the verdicts at which they arrived .
29 The physical setting of a parish influenced not only the ways in which a family might farm their land or work at a particular craft but also such basic matters as whether they lived in a village , a hamlet or an isolated farmstead , whether or not they had valuable rights of common to go with their farms or cottages , and sometimes the type of tenure by which they held their land .
30 When the tenants were copyholders , much might depend on the precise custom by which they held their land ( Ch.4 ) .
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