Example sentences of "[pron] from the [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 She asked whether someone from the DHSS could discuss the matter with members of the Hospital Medical Committee , concluding by stating her view that
2 At about 2.15 , someone from the Cardiff side threw the first stone , then the bricks started flying : if they could n't get at each other on land , then they could always fight a missile war and there was plenty of ammo flying around : the workmen who put the fence in had not swept up the chunks of broken concrete around the supports .
3 Someone from the Banco D'Oro was supposed to be meeting her , and this remote blond god certainly did n't look like a bank official — though he might have been Signor Corosini .
4 And inside the Cathedral , someone from the States paying two thousand dollars for a seat .
5 It was reported that Samater , the outgoing Prime Minister , was reappointed only after the failure of efforts to bring into the post someone from the Issak tribe , whose appointment could suggest some degree of reconciliation in the civil war .
6 Someone from the Vienna art gallery arrived to take a death mask , and crowds of people were soon queuing to view the body , which was laid on a bier in a black suit with a cowl over its head .
7 And he saw the work of an old favourite of his from the London days , J Maris , who had some beautiful things on show .
8 There was speculation that in distancing himself from the Khmers Rouges , Sihanouk was acting with the approval of the Chinese government .
9 Distancing himself from the CPSU , he promised as President not to represent a single political trend but to involve the full range of " public thought " in government .
10 The new committee , reportedly dominated by political figures close to the military establishment , was believed to reflect the army 's growing alienation from the policies of the Ghozali government ; although Ghozali remained a member of the FLN central committee he was considered as having tried to distance himself from the FLN as much as possible .
11 Mr Thomas Rideout , his successor as Conservative premier , called a snap election for April 20th and distanced himself from the Peckford follies .
12 But there are signs that he is distancing himself from the UN .
13 Mr Parkinson also appeared to distance himself from the BR route for the Channel tunnel link through Kent , saying that it was ‘ for Parliament to settle the way forward ’ .
14 He also appeared to distance himself from the BR route for the Channel tunnel link , saying that when BR brought forward the Bill for its preferred route through Kent , it would be ‘ for Parliament to settle the way forward ’ .
15 The president was supposed to be dissociating himself from the Shah not encouraging him .
16 The problem was that nobody from The Smiths camp was prepared to actually inform the band of this decision , and it was left to Easterhouse manager John Barrett to discover the sad truth almost by accident .
17 Nobody from the De La Salle Brothers who run the Training Centre has yet been contacted or interviewed by detectives .
18 Nobody from the SDLP uttered a word of criticism over Currie 's endorsement of a Thatcher victory in 1987 .
19 " Now in 1849 both companies supplied virtually the same water … the Lambeth Company got theirs from the Thames close to the Hungerford Bridge ; the Southwark and Vauxhall Company got theirs at Battersea-fields .
20 We 've got somebody from the Oxford English er dictionary compilation er arena , with us today and I , I , I 'm almost tempted to ask Clare what wh what , what the definition of the word quality is actually .
21 Who from the Tri-Club ?
22 Their message to the politicians seems to be , ‘ We protected you from the JVP .
23 then erm the first payment in some occasions is a cheque direct to you from the TEC .
24 The tight-lipped reply : ‘ We 're supposed to protect you from the IRA , not the voters . ’
25 Then when we met again , you would be full of all you had done — a ride on your motor bike to Alba de Tormes or Ledesma , a strange church you had discovered , or a new book someone had sent you from the States .
26 Are you from the Merchiston house ? ’
27 In the succeeding weeks , while maintaining a position strongly opposed to Iraq 's aggression , the Soviet Union distanced itself from the US position , seeking to ensure that the enforcement of UN sanctions remained in the forefront as the means to secure an Iraqi withdrawal from Kuwait , and advocating a UN framework for any enforcement action .
28 It might even drift towards a Scandinavian-style peripheral role in Nato as well as distancing itself from the EEC .
29 The new UNO coalition government has clearly distanced itself from the Sandinista view of education .
30 This time the Orange Order , which had distanced itself from the Castlewellan and Cookstown incidents , was involved .
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