Example sentences of "[pron] not been [adv] " in BNC.

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1 What made me finally decide to insist on this was when I realized that had you been a man , Miranda , or had I not been personally involved with you , I would n't have hesitated to ask for these shares . ’
2 I know this because after my machine arrived , the salesman whose job it would have been to persuade me to buy it , had I not been too quick for him , came to see me anyway .
3 mind you its not been all that long is it ?
4 Had she not been so downhearted Ruth would have enjoyed herself .
5 I might have worked it out sooner had she not been so prickly lately . ’
6 Three of the medical staff who attended her independently assured her that had she not been so fit and supple they would have been measuring her for a wheelchair , or worse .
7 LADY DAVERS : Have you not been a-bed with my brother ?
8 Even had you not been so well acquainted with the family , I dare say .
9 We would 've been revising had we not been here .
10 Have there not been too many people in then ?
11 For the Scots would hardly have accepted the reformers ' belief in God 's especial guidance with such assurance had they not been long accustomed to think of themselves with a high level of worldly confidence .
12 The ground got steadily hillier , and here and there rock outcrops stood out which , had they not been so near to towns , he would have been tempted to investigate .
13 The effect of the order of Waite J. , had it not been immediately stayed by this court , might have been to require the health authority to put J. on a ventilator in an intensive care unit , and thereby possibly to deny the benefit of those limited resources to a child who was much more likely than J. to benefit from them .
14 This could have been unintentionally hilarious had it not been so dreary .
15 Now he walked with a sense of fatefulness which he would have mocked had it not been so inescapably serious .
16 This is a revolution that might have gone unnoticed had it not been so swift and successful .
17 With busy pomposity Lewis dictated it to a typist and would have gone on and on had he not been diplomatically restrained .
18 Had he not been so short of time he might well have found 25 …
19 Perhaps , had he not been so ill , he would have come round .
20 And had he not been perfectly willing , of course , to hit a woman every bit as hard as he would have struck a man .
21 He might have made a significant contribution to the public life of this country had he not been totally overshadowed by his illustrious father and had he not had such a burning desire to shine as bright or even brighter .
22 Had he not been as eager to see her as she him ?
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