Example sentences of "[pron] are often [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 There are , for example , subsidies in the form of grants and , until 1988 , tax advantages available to individuals willing to invest in forestry and which are often seen as the major impetus to afforestation and reforestation with little regard to the environmental consequences .
2 There 's a Danish proverb , you know , that states that fish and guests smell after three days and er we all know the visits which have begun so successfully from friends and relatives , it need n't be Christmas , it could be at any time of the year , which are often ruined by people lingering on well past their sell-by date .
3 They provide an excellent resource for more in-depth treatment of topics which are often covered only briefly in general courses , and contain plenty of suggestions for further reading .
4 A group of pavements which shows this kind of affinity has many traits which are often understood as essential characteristics of a school of mosaic/mosaicists : the sharing of a common mode of representation , the predominance of this mode in a restricted geographical area , and the presence of craftsmen , ( perhaps of different abilities ) who were working " together " .
5 A file arranged as in Fig. 8.1 has considerable advantages for the retrieval of records that meet some request based on a number of separate criteria which are often called record attributes or descriptors .
6 To add to the confusion , perhaps , really , I think it 's important to distinguish between single chip microcomputers and the sort of microcomputers that erm people imagine have keyboards and screens and things , personal computers , which are often called microcomputers and quite rightly .
7 None the less , this unexpected finding requires many modifications to assumptions which are often made concerning the implications of improved technology , and which are included in Marx 's and Engels 's work .
8 Benjamin Libet of the University of California at San Francisco has been responsible for two sets of experiments which are often cited as crucial evidence in the debate about the relationship between brain and mind .
9 However in many cases it is doubtful whether these are anything other than the traditional wage system in a new disguise — for ‘ merit ’ , ‘ loyalty ’ and ‘ cooperation ’ , which are often tied to length of service have been used as major criteria for wage increases granted in this fashion … managements have not proceeded hastily towards full-blown wage rationalization because of their own concern with preserving worker identification with the enterprise …
10 It is particularly applicable to large database and on-line transaction processing systems , says Price , which are often composed of very large applications and tasks .
11 It is worth remembering that below AH3 Plus grade these are small family hotels converted from the old burghers houses with no more than 15 to 20 rooms which are often reached by long and unusually steep staircases so characteristic of the narrow canal houses .
12 It may be , for example , that youngsters will pick up from this programme some hint of the rich variety of occupations all of which are often hidden under the umbrella heading of science .
13 Loudon himself , though anxious to ‘ discard those fanciful comfortless dwellings which are often erected as ornamental cottages ’ , admits that he would ‘ scarcely have courage to pull down a fine old specimen of a picturesque cottage , unless in a case of extreme necessity ’ .
14 Starlings have been observed using greenery from a variety of sources , as well as flower petals , which are often replaced when they wither .
15 Moreover , they become mentally attuned to American tactical doctrines , which are often devised to sell US equipments to the Western Alliance .
16 This would avoid civil actions , which are often defeated because individual victims , even when they decide to act co-operatively , are rarely a match for corporations who decide it is better to be prudent than just .
17 The arts are especially important and effective in arousing spiritual awareness because they can speak directly at a feeling level , as well as being free from any slavish dependence on religious ideas which are often rejected out of hand by secularists .
18 This compares favourably with today 's commercially available ( and dark brown ) ferrofluids , which are often based on hydrocarbons rather than water .
19 Are they merely providers , acting as a resource for local communities , responding to needs and demands which are often based on past experience of education or have they a duty to seek ways and means of broadening the role of education into areas with which it is not normally associated such as changes in family and community life , the problems of poverty , inequality , and the general lack of local control over the formal decision-making process ?
20 The only problem comes where the existing switch is part of a two-way system , where you might need some technical help understanding the instructions , which are often written in electrician 's jargon rather than plain English .
21 The term ‘ lost continents ’ invokes two quite separate phenomena , which are often muddled through ignorance or deceit by those seeking to ‘ prove ’ the one-time existence of Atlantis and the rest .
22 It concerns the relation between language and its users , and combines two categories which are often kept separate in functional models : the affective or emotive function ( communicating the speaker 's attitudes ) , and the directive function ( influencing the behaviour and attitudes of the hearer ) .
23 Iris Murdoch 's prolific fiction touches only occasionally on academia ; but she loves plots based on relations between teacher and pupil , master and disciple , and her interest in philosophy is so well known a fact that it informs any reading of her books , which are often felt to convey modern philosophical issues in lucid and digestible form .
24 Many elderly people have visual problems , which are often treated with eyedrops .
25 Evidently , as pointed out in section 4.5 , approaches via damped oscillations which are often referred to as ringing .
26 Some chapters look at the manifestations of urban breakdown-John Benyon and John Solomos writing about racial conflict and disorder , for example — others , like Robert Reiner , at the evidence on rising crime rates and the complex ethical dilemmas which are often presented as simple .
27 Time spent collecting concrete evidence that you possess these and similar skills and qualities which are often expressed in rather general terms will pay off handsomely when you are required to prove your worth in an interview .
28 The reason for this lenient approach is that the court will not want to undermine the statutory regulations which are often designed to protect workmen from the consequences of their own carelessness .
29 In some places the glacial deposits were reworked by small glacial streams and rivers leading to occasional , small deposits of fluvio-glacial sands and gravels which are often used throughout these islands as sources of aggregate for building purposes .
30 Typical oxidants , other than air , include sodium hypochlorite , potassium permanganate , chlorine , chlorine-dioxide and ozone , which are often used in conjunction with absorption techniques , being added in small quantities , to the scrubbing liquid which is usually water .
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