Example sentences of "[pron] are [pron] [det] " in BNC.

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1 It must be a problem if people sort of leave their children in nurseries all the time cos it 's nice for a short time but for a long long time they 're just not yours are they any more ?
2 In other words , they 're taking a lot of the task that used to be given to manufacturers away from them and so manufacturers today are not by and large so concerned with manufacturing brands which are their own and will sit on retailers ' shelves as with providing a product for a retailer who wants to construct his own brand .
3 The proprietary right is a right to access to documents which are your own . ’
4 They 're not viable for women who are their own breadwinners .
5 Who are you all of a sudden ?
6 I suppose parties are where you feel most aware of sex , and it is a problem sometimes , trying to feel sexy , when you are what most people consider ‘ unsexy ’ , by only having one leg .
7 Nigel Profitt , 21 , of Erdington , Birmingham , and three other City supporters , were told by John Pryce , chairing a magistrates ' court hearing yesterday : ‘ You are nothing more than looters .
8 You are nothing more than a spoiled , bitter child , ’ he grated , ‘ a child with built-in petulance and your mother 's way of seeing no other needs but her own . ’
9 One person from each table yes , thank you are there any more ?
10 In the first place you are your own agent .
11 Remember , you are your own person and it 's up to you to take care of your health and decide how you want to look .
12 Remember that you are your own best critic and only you can finally decide what it is you wanted to say .
13 It 's a weird conflict when you are your own bête noir .
14 Understand why something happens as it does and you are your own master , able to use your common sense and logic to make judgements and decisions .
15 You are your own coach : look after the training of your favourite trainee ! ( 4 ) Always start a period on a particular topic with a review of that day 's lecture .
16 You are your own enemy .
17 I discovered as I picked my way through endless encounters that , even when you are your own mistress — free of guilt , responsibility or even social obligation — the excitement of different sex with new partners does eventually pall .
18 Dad , I used to say , you are your own worst enemy and someone 'll kill you for it one day .
19 than you are your own are n't you ?
20 But erm we had a sort of a spectrum you know it covered such a wide well area if you like of er of engineering that one would n't have had a chance to have a any contact with in in any other works , you 'd be doing as one certain sphere you know a certain type of work , and there you are you that 's your lot eh ?
21 How long you are you both .
22 ‘ That you are anything more than good friends ?
23 There we are we all have different ones but we should all finish up with the same answer .
24 This leads to the notion that we are nothing more than chemical and mechanical devices , albeit extremely complex and wonderfully integrated ones .
25 " Some of the older boys at school say we are nothing more than dancing puppets of the French ! "
26 They will call us citizens but we will be something less , perhaps I should say they do call us citizens but we are something less . ’
27 We are our own illusionist and scenarist and we have the whole of life to produce the show of shows .
28 In other words , we are our own worst enemy .
29 In general we are our own worst enemies when it comes to enlarging and reinforcing our fears , so that what may have begun as a minor apprehension can escalate into a problem of mammoth proportions .
30 We are our own men , he had said .
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