Example sentences of "[pron] he [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Er , I do n't wan na put the onus on Paul to do that , I I 've asked and said I he said he 'd be queen , you know be ke , that was before the
2 He said that 's when they put presents round and er he come in on the Friday on the Friday night and I mean I was in a right state , I mean we 've been in there about seven weeks and I was like at the point of like a nervous breakdown and he said to me how do you feel about me taking Matthew from you , so I said I he said I think you need a break .
3 Well we 've had all this trauma about you know , cos I do you , where do you want the he said well do n't see much of daddy or nan and granddad and nana and granddad said they moved in on Christmas Day stay here and Rachael and Steven would n't come up , stay here on Christmas Day , it 's quite likely , quite likely to go with daddy he said but , in many ways I he said I know what we can do is when we send up the chimney we could put nanny 's address , nanny 's address on it , shall we ?
4 I says Well I must admit it is yes I you know I He said I 'm going to get a policeman if you 're not careful .
5 Well I He told me he was n't allowed to go nights .
6 No , I he say I tell you where I get that he said , because
7 He 'd come across someone he thought I ought to meet .
8 Must be my he thought it was made up like .
9 The man 's so sure of himself he pressed me , would have me reason it out with the boy until I was satisfied .
10 To Loppe himself he had nothing to give save the task in Cyprus which had seemed most worth doing .
11 Howard is so pleased with himself he feels he can say anything .
12 Unable to free the bridge by himself he blamed his wife and cleared off down a dirt track .
13 He would say that unless he has examined an area himself he regards it as unexplored .
14 Yes , alone by himself he do it .
15 He did n't exactly offer his hand , but when each of them put out theirs he allowed his to be taken and dangled slightly .
16 He had picked somebody he thought he could work with smoothly rather than somebody who might try to steal the credit .
17 I think for the male student who is subject to sexual harassment , or who gets the sort of inappropriate approaches that Marianne is talking about , that is unusual , it 's out of step with the way in which he perceives himself , and his sense of what he is and who he is in the world .
18 going this far then the doctor put on it that going it had on it all that he hates which he takes it means either osteoarthritic
19 Ryan had just turned sixteen and the object which he counted his proudest possession after Jo was his new red Porsche .
20 ‘ I wanted to tell you , ’ she said , ‘ the Conductor — he 's like the captain of a ship — knows that you 're our security you want , and to let you go everywhere in the train without question , including the engines , as long as the two engineers — they 're the train-drivers — permit it , which he says they will once he 's talked to them .
21 Wh to fetch in s his folks are coming in their car which he says they are .
22 But on the question of competitive tendering I think mentioned by Mr which he says we should have a different attitude .
23 Merely said , ‘ I understand that he is a worthy young man , quite unlike Rourke , or Havvie Blaine , and I think from what he says , and the manner in which he says it , that he cares deeply for you .
24 The first move in the latest court assault against Mr Bond — which he says he will contest vigorously — came after the market closed on Friday .
25 The deputé , in a supplementary question , asks what on earth the minister means by ‘ Belgian ’ and demands that he clarify this category which he says he does not recognise .
26 Next , he mentions Caesar 's will , which he says he shall not read .
27 They were investigating alleged deception by his flatmate , which he says he had nothing to do with .
28 He says an which he says you 've worked so hard , cos I worked for two casters which I should n't have done really , but that 's how I were used to working you see and er , he said er , I said well me dad keeps asking me to go and work for him , and he said well I 'll tell you what I 'll do with you , he says you 've worked so hard for us , this bloke came from Bloxford you know He says you 've worked so hard for us , he said we 'll agree to you going with your father , er for a month and see whether you like it , and if you do n't like it , come back and we 'll give you your job back .
29 Hypnosis in this case relieved the patient 's negative mind set and is in line with Dr Bach 's thesis that such mental states , for which he developed his flower remedies , could impair the body 's ability to heal itself .
30 There is in fact a fine line in Hunt 's book in which he describes his reaction , on getting to Austria — Niki 's home circuit — and learning that Niki was a very sick man indeed .
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