Example sentences of "[pron] for [num] month " in BNC.

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1 The Gulamalis received their rent for the first three months , then nothing for four months , and were told the computer was broken , the accounts were being moved , the cheque was in the post , and so on .
2 He heard nothing for four months .
3 But she could not stand the thought of doing nothing for two months .
4 Nothing for ten months .
5 Here is a man who antagonised me and bothered me for 16 months and when I said ‘ yes ’ to fighting him again , he said ‘ no ’ .
6 The Italian , who was with me for two months , became really rather tiresome and disruptive , especially to the charming young German working hard for her exams .
7 to last me for one month , because we 've got to put it on .
8 Would n't speak to me for six months , but then his natural goodness of heart , as well perhaps as his gradual realization that I might have been right , that perhaps I had saved him from a fate worse than death , made it impossible for him to keep it up .
9 ‘ Then you 'll owe me for six months ' work . ’
10 Sixty pound fifty it cost me for six months !
11 You you walk round the flats , and you know , you walk round them for fourteen months , and all of a sudden you have to stop and think where you are .
12 ‘ I bought them all , ’ he remembers , ‘ John Hedgecoe 's book of this , David Bailey 's book of that , and I totally immersed myself in them for six months .
13 I told you I went and looked that up not long ago , things at that price they only guarantee them for six months .
14 If you sent your work to a publisher and have not heard from them for two months , you should write to ask them whether or not they intend to publish it .
15 They 've had them for two months .
16 He 's been giving me them for eight months now .
17 If a limitation period has just been missed , one useful argument is the fact that it is possible to issue proceedings one day before limitation expires and then to hang on to them for four months before they are served .
18 What I was able to do in that instance was play all the symphonies through with the orchestra and then forget about them for three months .
19 Their antioxidant protects them for three months against deterioration , but one respected manufacturer actually limits production to minimise stockpiling .
20 She stayed with them for three months and as well as looking after their daughter Alexandra she cleaned and cooked .
21 It 's quite possible , if you agree , that IMP will release you for six months to work for me .
22 . If I take the same example , waiver of premium , erm , and I 'm relating to knowledge that I will have got through the plan your future document , if I use Andrew again if I may , if I say to you , Andrew , erm , you explained earlier that erm , if you 're off work through ill-health , your employer will actually pay you for six months , and then it stops .
23 Like erm , like Maureen she 's erm she 's worried for Joe , she says he do n't stop , he do n't , but you see the difference being is it 's Joe 's business and it 's as he said , some people do n't pay you for twelve months , and a lot of your money has gone out before you can get a chance to get it back in
24 I suggest that the figures you 've got before you are not terribly , terribly useful , and that you do invite domiciliary health to come back to you for three months to talk to you about their work in terms of the visits , the visits that they do .
25 Paul Reichmann asked me to delay everything for two months and I agreed .
26 The shadow of his predecessor , great Prime Minister as she was , has hung heavy over him for 16 months .
27 At dawn on Friday , John Major came of age , shaking off the shadow of Mrs Thatcher that had dogged him for 16 months .
28 Chelmsford magistrates fined him £2,600 and banned him for 18 months .
29 Taking into account Ferguson 's health , age , and the fact he had not previously been in prison , he jailed him for 18 months .
30 Walter is backed up by Graham Nicholson , who takes over in July after working with him for 18 months .
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