Example sentences of "[pron] i [verb] n't " in BNC.

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1 H. P. I remember one time , the inspector coming round — we did n't always see eye-to-eye — telling me I had n't polished my buttons .
2 " I sorry , " he said once again , in a hopeless voice that told me I had n't convinced him .
3 But in any case I 'd chucked all me things in the cemetery , you know , and that 's so when they caught up with me I had n't got any newspapers .
4 And something told me I had n't behaved too well .
5 Yes I do , I honestly do n't ask me I have n't got a clue how she managed .
6 No use looking at me I have n't got any answers for it
7 Do n't ask me I do n't give a damn , next stop is Vietnam .
8 He 'll turn on me at any minute — tell me I do n't understand — it 's all my fault .
9 How I thought he could help me I do n't know , but he invited me for lunch , anyway , and he was lovely .
10 You think , God help me I do n't want to die , and you close your eyes and you sill see him .
11 " But for me I do n't reckon you 'd ever have set eyes on each other . "
12 See it 's not the blues that bother me I do n't think it 's just the fact that there 's there might be trouble afterwards .
13 But he did n't do quite as much as me I do n't think like .
14 And he came once to me on the district to me I do n't know he went to others .
15 Now , she says , I want you to go up town to get me whatever it was , do n't ask me I do n't remember .
16 Excuse me I do n't involve cruelty in my training
17 erm with me I do n't feel comfortable being assertive
18 Search me I do n't know .
19 You see I put me poster up in the window and then me flipping dad said to me I do n't know whether you should have that poster up , what if Miss is around , Conservative , so I bloody took it down and put it in a magazine , I thought when we 've got
20 speak to , just speak to me I do n't wan na be .
21 Well he says , said to me I do n't know why you 're going to keep , er th to slimming thing cos you , because I ca n't tell no difference with you .
22 Is not er if there 's some for me I do n't bloody care .
23 I think he will , he wo n't remember me I do n't think either
24 Well I do n't suppose they 'll , they 'll never understand me I do n't suppose .
25 Do n't keep telling me I do n't want to fucking know
26 Forgive me I do n't want to go back that far , but , but let me just put the point you 've made to Professor Hoskins .
27 I wish Kelvin was here ah ah ah Oh I hope the tape recorder can pick this up , because , erm The wind keeps coming at me I do n't even though why I 've come sho oh yeah , I wan na buy something , do n't I ? so what I say now to people , when they say something to me , I go I go and I say no actually I 'm not but never mind .
28 Cos he thought I 'd , I 'd smoke it , I was smoking and he did n't like it and then erm he told me I do n't wan na talk to you any more , blah , blah , blah , all that rubbish .
29 oh aye I wear my padded jacket to me I do n't care
30 oh yeah , oh , I do n't know what you do with 'em you know me I do n't
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