Example sentences of "[pron] it mean [conj] " in BNC.

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1 I it means that we 're making people .
2 To me it meant that your involvement with Jones went deeper than the superficial thing I 'd been imagining .
3 For all of them it means that the children have somebody 's attention all day .
4 Yeah it it means that you can point out that it makes it a lot simpler for someone to just pop over for a night and crash out on the floor .
5 It it means that they have n't been doing their duty in the winter then .
6 When I became in a conscious way feminist I pondered long what it meant that a woman could not in such a way depict Christ as being in her image .
7 He knew what it meant that Marcus should stay in the room whilst Bill managed for three consecutive hours to make a series of acceptably banal factual observations .
8 No one was quite sure what it meant but it sounded impressive .
9 Everyone had a vague idea of what it meant but none could precisely have defined it .
10 She did n't know what it meant but had seen it in some of the old books in the Doctor 's TARDIS .
11 ‘ Over now , ’ Dot repeated , but she was n't sure what it meant and if she even wanted it over .
12 A number of feminists — Mary Daly is a good example — find it useful to subject words to a kind of archaeological excavation , turning to the etymological dictionaries to find out where a particular word came from , what it meant and how it has changed .
13 ‘ We did not realise what it meant and the more I have listened to them it is fair comment that they are saying it is too much .
14 Intrigued , Mungo was about to ask his uncle what it meant when Stanley said :
15 In many ways Kylie grew up with us on Neighbours so everyone understood what it meant when she left .
16 I do n't know what it means whether it 's electric or wait a minute there 's some more .
17 Alright , no no if you say numeracy then they 'll know what it means but erm I fe I felt that numeracy and mathematical skills would not be applicable to all , I mean , I do n't think it might
18 I mean I know what it means but like Are you lot going to Italy this year ?
19 It 's what it means that counts . ’
20 What it means as I said before , is that ten or fifteen years ago , that number of people got infected , so now ten fifteen years on , we usually multiply by at least a hundred , so we 're really talking about thousands of people living with H I V , and probably unaware of the fact that they have it .
21 World View : So close yet still far apart : Timothy Garton Ash reflects on what it means when Germans start behaving like Poles , and Poles like Germans
22 Anyway , you 'll know what it means when you see it .
23 Like me , you 'll begin to see what it means when you get a bit further on .
24 In this respect considerable reliance was placed upon Lord Diplock 's dictum in Gill and Duffus SA v Berger and Co Inc [ 1984 ] AC 382 : … while " description " itself is an ordinary English word , the Act contains no definition of what it means when it speaks in that section of a contract for the sale of goods being a sale " by description " .
25 It is , so what it means when it 's lost is , it is not able to fulfil the function for which it was made .
26 At first the Appeal seemed to have failed utterly and some drily observed that perhaps we too would now learn what it means when the well runs dry .
27 For instance , they do n't understand , as she quotes in her book , what somebody is doing when they 're reading a newspaper , or what it means when the postman looks at a envelope .
28 For instance , they do n't understand , as she quotes in her book , what somebody is doing when they 're reading a newspaper , or what it means when the postman looks at a envelope .
29 The news is that heterosexuals had become infected with H I V , the virus that leads to AIDS , ten to fifteen years ago , and that the numbers were doubling ten to fifteen years ago , that 's what it means when we hear AIDS cases , and what that must mean for today , is horrifying .
30 Now what it means if if you know somebody 's reaction time , you can have a guess of how good their intelligen or the value of I Q that they obtained .
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