Example sentences of "[pron] was [that] we " in BNC.

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1 ( In the proof stage I nearly cut the last sentence in the book , which was that we would know the mind of God .
2 During this trial period a number of useful lessons were learned , not least of which was that we were correct in attempting to take on only one medium sized location and only progress after this had been successfully completed .
3 If we 're talking about the same phone call , the reason it was a woman who spoke to you was that we were both travelling in my car at the time — and I was driving .
4 The suggestion there was that we derive the account of justification from that of knowledge , thus : a is justified in believing p iff in certain circumstances a would know that p .
5 Thus it was that we had some very palpable hits , but no real engagements .
6 For three years now we had moved stealthily through the darkness , sometimes absurdly confident , sometimes terrified , but always wondering just what sort of man it was that we heard creeping along the wall towards us and what sort of weapon he had in his hand .
7 Thus it was that we made use of every method in the book to fan into flame the natural resentment of the public against a big and unfair bully kicking a man when he was down .
8 Sometimes we will be going upstairs to get something but , by the time we are there , we have forgotten what it was that we went for .
9 Not much else is needed to prompt a visit than a map and some route descriptions , so thus it was that we found ourselves between the Vénéon and the Etançons on the campsite at La Bérade in August .
10 But I was in a foul temper , and Rebecca had n't made it any easier by going on about missing papers , and how urgent it was that we had them back . ’
11 Mr Sandy recalls that the biggest challenge was just to get the name known in the major markets in Europe : ‘ Whether the message coming back was ‘ Unbekannt ’ or ‘ Pas Connu ’ the gist of it was that we were unknown and if you 're trying to sell whiskies people have n't heard of , then you have n't got much to go on . ’
12 I was pregnant with Nicola and it was that we wanted to change the car , what did we have , a Metropole at the
13 ‘ But I have gone over it many times in my mind about why we lost so heavily in India and one of the main reasons for me was that we were not used to playing on turning pitches .
14 All that we had to say to them was that we intended to tax them more severely .
15 The amazing thing to us was that we had both been in the Air Force for years , but had n't met until the war was over .
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