Example sentences of "[pron] was [prep] [be] " in BNC.

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1 Later they told me that the examination had shown that I was not yet sixteen and that I was to be sent back on the next flight . ’
2 I saw some of the places that were to play an important part in the later dramas of my life : the great Clerecia church where I was to be sitting one momentous morning , and beside it the lovely Casa de las Conchas , its walls decorated with rows of carved scallop shells — seven rows adorn the upper storeys .
3 If I was to be arrested , I would be arrested with dignity .
4 The upshot was that I was summoned by the university authorities and told that I was to be allowed to continue my studies but only under certain stringent conditions .
5 And it was because you told her I was to be the baby 's legal mother when the adoption went through . ’
6 I was to be incarcerated for another two days and nights on a diet of three assorted pills and a curious fizzy powder in a paper wrapper , presented every few hours with instructions in mime .
7 It was an affliction rather than a gift , and I was to be healed of it two years later by what I believe was the power of Christ .
8 In the years that followed I was to be in that lovely apartment many times visiting Jessica and Celia , who served the most delicious toasted bacon sandwiches and coffee that I have ever tasted .
9 After the lecture there were tea and refreshments and it was not until fairly late that I rang Emily just to say Hello , and how sorry I was to be too busy to get over to the house to see her this trip .
10 What if , like my poor neighbour , I was to be so riddled with cancer , that after cutting me open , they just sewed me up and sent me home ?
11 How glad I was to be homeless .
12 I was to be at the harbour at 8 a.m. on the dot .
13 George and I were to be victims , I was to be taken to the top floor and George to the third floor up .
14 As it turned out , fate had decreed that I was to be the one who would change this unhappy state of affairs .
15 She did not know that I was to be there and came forward saying : ‘ My dear Elizabeth , what a very nice surprise .
16 They informed me that my Mom had been taken into hospital and I was to be taken into care until she recovered .
17 Just on a year ago , as I was to be in London at the time of the World Cup , I made enquiries about obtaining tickets to attend some of the Cup matches in the United Kingdom .
18 ‘ Then I could show Mother Francis that I 'd be back up in the convent in time for Mass in the chapel , and she 'd get to know I was to be relied on . ’
19 But I was to be disappointed .
20 ‘ And if , by some magic wand , I was to be offered an overnight cure for just one of them , I am not sure which I would choose . ’
21 Still virginal in my dealings with the music press , I was to be despatched to the Reading Festival to cover this bastion of the British rock calendar for NME .
22 I once had two weeks to learn to love everything , two weeks until I was to be shot .
23 I was to be the poet , he the novelist .
24 " It was what my mother said I was to be called before she died .
25 ‘ So I was to be delivered back to that fool , was I ?
26 I was to be Connie Fraser , Joel the doctor attending me .
27 Now I was to be a sales assistant .
28 I could n't think of a single thing to say , but dimly realized that I now had my role for the evening ; I had done nothing to bring this off ; but I was to be the identifiable face of the campaign .
29 It was from Magda that we heard early in September that a British Sunday newspaper had reported that an Iranian with close links to Hezbollah had said in Beirut that I was to be released immediately .
30 I was to be confirmed .
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