Example sentences of "[pron] was [noun pl] in " in BNC.

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1 And that is a relatively new phenomenon and the type of warehouse which historically we all knew which was men in brown coats driving forklift trucks is not what it 's about , it 's about er pretty sophisticated labour erm dealing with erm computer systems and electronic retrieval systems and often working in shifts on twenty four hour basis .
2 But no : she has hung around the DHSS while clerks forgot her like she was goods in the stockroom , and now she has a chit that says they 'll pay her lodging at the boarding house .
3 Not er the th The employer deputized his authority and there was deputies in the pit , but never in factories .
4 There was depots in Tower Cross , Portobello , Leith , and many other places like that .
5 And there was helicopters in that were n't there ?
6 I mean there was houses in the street and there was like these courtyards at the back of them .
7 Course we was feverishly trying to chip the bricks and things off the horse then how , what had happened because we 'd got two stalls for them , and there was pigs in the one side and the horse in the other one , but of course when we eventually came to it , or they eventually came to the horse , he was dead , been killed standing up there like , you know and er , poor old pigs was all dead as well and as I said , about a hundred fell and two or three would been blown sky high .
8 Now I used to get him along there and then he was sort of in tears but there was kids in the hall , the little hall and then when you sort come in the door , not the main door , the one , the
9 There was kids in my door
10 Well if there was flowers in
11 In Low Newton , in the new part , there was wash-basins in the cell , but it 's still embarrassing if you 're sharing a cell and you want a strip wash .
12 And it was girls in school then that s s you know when you started talking about , Ooh what happened to me on the beach and that .
13 Moreover , it was improvements in peasant husbandry that were primarily responsible for the growth .
14 It was developments in sampling theory from statistics which weakened the force of both these assumptions , and quite early on in Britain .
15 Course , it was horses in them days , not motorcars .
16 As railway employment declined ( there were two million railway workers in 1920 and only one million in 1930 ) it was Blacks in unskilled work who were the most vulnerable .
17 For many of the authors discussed above , it was changes in the rules ( however defined ) governing behaviour .
18 It was changes in the economy , however , that would be decisive in any development of this kind , and the speech was largely preoccupied with familiar matters such as growth , efficiency and labour productivity .
19 Friedman and Schwartz , however , claimed that it was changes in the nominal money supply which caused changes in money national income ( recall the mechanism described in Chapter 21 ) and , once again , they appealed to empirical evidence to support their view .
20 David Cooper of Genetic Resources Action International , based in Barcelona , pointed out that it was farmers in West Africa who first noted the resistance of some varieties of cowpea to insects and who nurtured superior varieties that carried this characteristic .
21 Not only were there numerous deep recessions , but by the end of the century it was discovered foreign iron ore was of a higher quality , and although the MSG works did smelt imports from Spain , Russia and Chile , it was furnaces in ports that could do the cheapest .
22 What really spurred it was abuses in appraisals of works of art .
23 It was Nails in the driving-seat .
24 It was heads in air , studied indifference .
25 It was cats in her case .
26 If redundancy was the leading form of change to 1981 , it was gains in productivity that made the greatest inroads from then .
27 It was consumers in the UK who forced manufacturers to stop using CFCs as propellants in their aerosols .
28 It was the it was boats in me mother 's day , of course then the drafters was .
29 If they were n't , and I 'm told that it was Babes In Toyland who were full of doughnuts , then what 's their excuse for sounding like this ?
30 Who if anyone was tagos in Thessaly in these years ?
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