Example sentences of "[pron] is not [indef pn] " in BNC.

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1 That dog of his is n't something you want to get in a fight with .
2 Er Traidcraft 's other coffee , which we have n't got any of here , it 's ground coffee , is processed in Germany wh which is n't anything to write home about .
3 We were playing a silly game , which had not a tragic outcome — it had , thanks to the mercy of providence , a fortunate outcome — but it had an outcome which is not one which ah statecraft should either aim at or be proud of having achieved .
4 I just had to keep telling myself it would all be worthwhile for both of us : one day she would be flying free , which is not something that always happens to birds of prey bred in captivity .
5 I 've even cried in front of them , which is not something I do easily .
6 Taking an existentialist approach , he says that it is God who delivers us into freedom , which is not something which we can accomplish for ourselves .
7 For example , in the following sentence : Since the last time we met when we had that huge dinner Ive been on a diet the first two tone-units present information which is relevant to what the speaker is saying , but which is not something new and unknown to the listener .
8 But , er , other people start bringing up sort of problems with the French tax situation on such and such a structure of company or whatever , which is not anything we want to get involved with .
9 Erm , she is not something simply to be afraid of .
10 She is not everyone 's idea of the typical policewoman .
11 Even if a girl of that age looks like a woman , emotionally she is not one .
12 Even if she is not someone who could easily enter into discussions of this nature , in which her feelings are explored , it is possible that she could benefit considerably from advice and comfort delivered to her in a less personal way through the pages of a book .
13 ‘ He means she is n't one yet .
14 Well Pauline 's a devil for punishment I would say , she 's got both lads at school now you know and she 's home all day and she is n't one for sitting around Pauline
15 She is n't somebody who seeks a refuge in fantasy or in flattering statements .
16 A thousand pities that the child who was probably with you is not something nearer perfection !
17 As Earnest Kurtz argues in " Not-God " ( published by Hazelden ) , which gives the history of Alcoholics Anonymous , the process of recovery is essentially the recognition that one is not one 's self in control of the Universe , nor even of much of one 's own life , and that one is therefore Not God and nor are the mood-altering chemicals and behaviours that one previously " worshipped " .
18 You may find the competitive element useful for stirring you on to greater efforts , and you will certainly find it reassuring to know that you share a common problem and that there is not something intrinsically wrong with you .
19 It prompts the question whether there is not something inexorable about the mindless march of technology ; are we doomed to be everlastingly in retreat before the insidious advances of electronic information systems ?
20 procedures which are , do n't quite fit you , then I think what we ought to be looking for is a certain amount of common ground between your procedure and our procedure , so there is not something , you 're doing something completely different to the way the rest of us are doing it .
21 The question whether a man who considers himself wronged has a claim which he can make good will depend on the answer to the question : Is there a writ to meet his case or , if there is not one , can one be framed which the King 's Courts will hold good ?
22 Firstly , just as recent theories of the mind suggest there is not one but multiple kinds of intelligence ( Gardner , 1983 ) , so too the notion of vision seems to involve a variety of mental capacities , what can be called visionary style .
23 The possible existence of a remedy in the law of restitution is for consideration later , but assuming there is not one , relief by way of judicial review would in my opinion be available .
24 Mary Crawford says many harsh words about the aspect of marriage for example ‘ there is not one in a hundred of either who is not taken in when they marry .
25 The A&R work in smaller companies , when there is n't somebody whose sole job is sitting and listening to tapes , gets done when it can be .
26 There is n't er , there is n't somebody who 's sort of responsible for coordinating the choir , the choir leaders ?
27 What a pity there is n't something there to cure the sickness of a love which is n't returned .
28 You ca n't tell me there is n't something odd about that .
29 No there is n't nothing like that .
30 We 've been waiting for the knight in shining armour and then there is n't one .
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