Example sentences of "[pron] is [v-ing] on " in BNC.

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1 How does the market recognise that someone is trading on inside information ?
2 And he said he was working with an old fellow which is getting on in age and he was quite absent minded and he said , I was about thirty feet from the ground on a ledge er filling er s a hole ready for shot for blasting and the old fellow was about twenty feet higher than him and then he was ss er whatsit another hole and then a at the top of the chamber there 's a little hole , he said , like a roof we call it which is a little passage that goes up into the next floor and then we used that as an escape route he did n't have to go far .
3 I AM writing on behalf of the British Union for the Abolition of Vivisection ( BUAV ) to ask your readers to support the Walk For Laboratory Animals which is happening on
4 All other things which are done instead of talking are a waste of time , are being used as excuses to delay the whole process , and will bear no fruit whatsoever , except the killing which is going on every day …
5 The A six six five eight if you look at the the bottom of the two roads , it 's the one on the left which is going on down off the plan .
6 We realized that Pat would need our prayers and support and this letter is to let you know how she is getting on .
7 She is getting on well with Lover at the Gate , but sometimes the clues you provide are , well , enigmatic .
8 You may not want to risk breeding from such a mare , especially if she is getting on in years .
9 It is not until we 're sitting on the floor dropping cheese on the carpet she tells me she is moving on .
10 ‘ How is this going to reconcile with that ? ’ he asks a 17 year old , pointing to the two figures she is working on .
11 She says the company is risky after the recent fraud sensation but she is banking on there being no more nasties lurking in the woodwork .
12 I do n't mean we have been devious , just more structured , choosing the issues she is fighting on .
13 The film tantalises us — and Evelyn , who is hanging on to Ninny 's every word — right to the end .
14 Graded tests would be far more informative for those involved in making up an individual programme fitted for each of those who is going on .
15 Some will actually feel that they are inside the body of the former self , and that everything is going on around them just as it does in ordinary life .
16 And keep it so it 's just ticking over , so that on average you 're absorbing two of these neutrons , say and just one is going on to st start another one , and you just you know ju It 's very fine control on the fuel rods .
17 Thus , one might characterize one 's grasp on the experience of seeming to see a red object as something is going on in me ( I do n't know what it is ) which is like what goes on when a red object is acting on my eyes ; or … like what goes on in me to make me behave in a red-object-appropriate way .
18 Without this information , the speechreader may appear to interrupt rudely or think that something is going on that he is missing .
19 That there is an application called desktop publishing is certainly not in doubt ; when IBM sets up a Business Unit ( the last one was to develop the PC ) you know that something is going on .
20 She needs to be held , but that seems dangerous , everybody is hanging on to themselves .
21 This year it is taking on its biggest challenge yet , backed by a major reorganisation which has merged two previously separate businesses into one .
22 What I wanted to say was that when I read the Annual Report I was rather surprised to find that there is no reference to the er report of the committee under the chairmanship of Bob , Bob on the organization of the R Y A and then I realized that it probably did n't come to the Council till after the end of the year that we have under consideration but it did seem to me that it has some contentious and some very interesting and rather good points in it and I wonder if we could be told how the consideration of it is getting on .
23 ‘ My job is to effect the disentanglement , with the University having a clear view of how successful the press is , and the extent to which it is calling on or contributing to University funds , ’ says David Martin .
24 Satyāgraha is further described as an unending , relentless , dialectical quest for truth ; it is holding on to truth come what may .
25 But for Britain it is reckoning on just 0.4 per cent growth this year and 0.9 per cent in 1993 .
26 The selection factors are presumably the same , crabs will always take wide-mouthed shells first and elongated shells must always be more vulnerable to wave action : selection produces different results because it is operating on genetically different populations .
27 She says it is coming on slowly — it 's a long-term job … an awful lot of work … we never envisaged how much time we 'd spend weeding the gravel and general tidying up all the time .
28 Yeah to , yeah she 's okay , Janice , but there is somebody specifically in charge of each of the areas within the primary schools , they keep changing because they keep leaving but I mean obviously the there is it is going on .
29 But yes , it is going on , and certainly in polytechnics .
30 ‘ I like to think that it is going on all over Masailand in fifty thousand kraals at this moment . ’
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