Example sentences of "[pron] [Wh det] [vb past] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The part of me which made the mistake with the buck , letting it get the better of me for a moment , might still be around if that acid test had n't found it out .
2 There was nothing which resembled the missing page .
3 Since no one could imagine that in these circumstances or in any other circumstances anyone could successfully impersonate Ramsey , the ritual was a piece of legal nothing which allowed a Protestant agitator the chance of publicity which might help his own cause but must also help Ramsey .
4 This early text already exemplifies the pattern of narrative passages and meditations upon them which became the regular mode of presentation in the fuller texts of 1805 and 1850 ; and the sophisticated author is only too aware of the division within himself which the method leads to :
5 In the Soviet view , as we have seen , it was neither their living standards , nor the prominence of peasant workers among them which distinguished the Russian proletariat from those of the West .
6 It was the Mau Mau conflict itself which forced the government to recognize the need to increase the productivity of the Kikuyu areas , and it was the same conflict which facilitated the means .
7 She had about her the rich glow of a woman who excelled at everything which constituted a woman 's work .
8 Everything which recalled the past of tsarist Russia should be destroyed and replaced by new Soviet forms .
9 He was looking for something which immobilised the car and gave an audible warning if it was broken into . ’
10 A series of small overlaps above give rise to technical and varied climbing , with the odd blindish move making for some entertaining sequences — something which caused a little consternation on my initial freezing encounter .
11 Something which caused a problem when Mr Pritchard needed an ambulance .
12 And then he added something which made a deep impression on me .
13 In her right hand she weighed something which made a strange metallic click-click sound .
14 That ‘ manhood ’ was something which served the fifteenth-century kings of France well , when Scottish aristocrats and soldiers of fortune went to fight in their armies against the English ; from their number , Charles VII created the prestigious Scots guard in 1446 .
15 ‘ What I did not realise at the outset was that this overlap of business and politics was not something episodic or occasional , but something which permeated the whole system from bottom to top , the very top .
16 It seems necessary for it to have what has been called a ‘ cognitive map ’ in its head ; that is , it would have to have something which conveyed the same information as is conveyed by Figure 10 .
17 Sometimes you will be directly addressed by the characters — this is something which happened a great deal in Greek and Elizabethan theatre ( for example , look at the speech by Chorus in Act 4 , scene 1 of Henry V , which draws the audience into the atmosphere before a battle enormously effectively ) .
18 Luckily I knew how many there were of them ( 53 if I remember correctly ) so I could count them out again — something which involved a lot of shaking of the shell into a bucket of tank water .
19 In spite of his distaste for ‘ frills ’ , he saw church-going as something one did out of obedience ; something which shaped the life of prayer and reminded each individual that he or she was a ‘ member incorporate in the blessed company of all faithful people ’ ; but not something which needed to be added to , still less enjoyed as a hobby .
20 He is clearly desperate to fit in , something which turned the renovations into an architectural method trip , with the actor flying back from film shoots to hassle the builders about saving any historical detail they could , no matter how trivial , so that the building retained its local character .
21 An awards system which recognises only HNC and HND achievement would be one which ignored the majority of SCOTVEC 's candidates — there are almost ten National Certificate candidates for every one in Advanced Courses .
22 Given the spectrum of possible interpretations to be accorded to the term employee , the Board 's choice would be accepted provided that it was an interpretation which the reviewing court believed , in the light of the overall statutory objective , to be one which had a rational basis .
23 The " Spicer Report " , based upon discussions with some 300,000 Canadians over an eight-month period following the collapse of the Meech Lake Accord , recommended ( i ) the recognition of Quebec as a unique province , but one which had a place within a federal Canada ; ( ii ) an independent review of the official policy of bilingualism ; ( iii ) the fair treatment of native land claims and the institution of self-government for aboriginal peoples ; ( iv ) a reduction of government funding of multiculturalism ; and ( v ) the reformation or abolition of the Senate ( the non-elected upper chamber of the federal legislature ) .
24 ‘ We sold one which had no phone .
25 The National Materials Handling Centre accordingly set up a Working Party , chaired by Mr. A. C. Parnell of Fire Check Consultants with a brief to examine the following areas of the problem ; the whole being intended to act as a plain main 's guide but one which had the agreement of all interested parties .
26 Of all the areas covered by the evaluation , this was the one which attracted the most critical comment .
27 Also the subject of slugs , he felt , was not one which made an easy stepping-stone to such delicate matters as he himself had in mind .
28 An example of such a calculation would be one which compared the images on the two retinas , and searched for differences which would provide information about relative distances .
29 In the future historians are likely to regard the post-1979 Conservative governments as also having produced a change in direction , one which reversed the direction of previous post-war administrations .
30 It was , of course , a very expensive operation but one which achieved the introduction of a complete range of products into the kitchens of those people whose sampling of the product would be the most valuable .
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