Example sentences of "[pron] [am/are] [being] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 They 're particularly concerned about people over 60 , many of whom are being dismissed as untreatable , even though they 're suffering pain and deformity .
2 Barn owls need barns or similar buildings for breeding , and more and more of them are being converted into country houses .
3 Some of them are being taught in dining halls , store rooms and offices .
4 Lot of them are being sacked off the bloody telly in n it ?
5 I 'm just trying to remember everybody in the same afternoon , to collect them all because of about six of them are being done around here
6 At present there are no more than half-a-dozen British products in the fields covered by Alvey and most of them are being used experimentally .
7 Many of them are being forced to turn the crop into cattle feed because Britain has more potatos than it needs .
8 Lesley and even Emma and I are being seen as lads , unfeminine , trying to be blokes .
9 I thought : I am being psychoanalysed .
10 I am being lobbied heavily by my right hon. Friend the hon. Member for Wallasey ( Mrs. Chalker ) .
11 I am being kept waiting with a message for Miss Lavenza . ’
12 It is not love when the concern is the fact that I am being inconvenienced , but it is when the concern is for the damage that is being done to my partner and our relationship .
13 ‘ I do n't like the fact that I am being pushed out in the cold .
14 I wonder if there will be any end to the sacrifices I am being asked to make .
15 ‘ It is not Sidacai 's death I am being asked for , but his life , ’ he said .
16 I am being asked to believe , and to sell to my constituents , the idea that binding us even closer together will one day result in all these inequalities being removed .
17 I believe that I am being asked a question on my meeting yesterday with the UKIAS executive council , and I have no doubt that other hon. Members have tabled questions .
18 I studied for one year at the Academy in Vienna and this year finds me working on my own in my own studio and I am being analysed by Dr Wilhelm Stekel .
19 I am being punished for being an invalid and paying my national insurance contributions for 40 years .
20 ‘ They are my punishment ; but I do not know what I am being punished for .
21 Now I am being besieged by offers of films in Hollywood and other areas .
22 When I am being helped into a bath of hot water , however , I draw in my breath and cry out for her : ‘ Mama !
23 Her core beliefs were ‘ I have no right to be alive ’ and , with somewhat convoluted logic , ‘ I am being forced to stay alive as a punishment for being born . ’
24 But because they 're reducing the fee income for dentists in the National Health Service these dentists , dedicated people , in some pretty tough estates in my patch , were saying , I am being forced to go private .
25 He took it up and read : ‘ Many readers will probably have learned by now that I am being sued by Miss Hilary Robarts , the Acting Administrative Officer at Larksoken Power Station , for alleged libel arising from what I wrote in the May issue of the news-sheet .
26 I thought : " I am being buried alive " .
27 Livingston , who has vowed to clear his name after British athletics chiefs banned him for four years for drugs cheating , said : ‘ I am being imprisoned for something I have n't done .
28 ‘ Well perhaps I am being typecast after all , ’ says Super Mario Hoskins .
29 ‘ I know I am being investigated but it is not something I would like to talk about . ’
30 Perhaps I am being prejudged in the same way , if my name is even mentioned outside .
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